
  • Basic Information

    Email: [email protected]

    Zongni Gu is an assistant prof. GU Zongni in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at Nanjing University. He got the Ph.D. degree majoring in Urban Regional Planning from the University of Florida.

    His research interest is healthy cities and the governance of livable urban and rural spaces, with a specific emphasis on the spatial differentiation of healthcare facility distribution, the spatial effects of population aging, and studies on equity in governance and policy optimization. He has published more than 30 academic articles. He has led several significant projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, natural science foundation of Jiangsu province and Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Philosophy and Social Sciences.

  • Courses

    lTerritorial spatial governance and public policy

    lComprehensive urban design

    lUrban and regional field trip

    l3D Geospatial Urban Modeling & Visualization

  • Research and Projects

    lNational Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on the Equalization Measurement and Optimization Governance of Medical and Nursing Integrated Resources from the Perspective of Community Living Circle

    lNational Natural Science Foundation of China, Provincial Research Foundation for Basic Research - Youth Foundation Project, Transportation Equity Analysis among the Elderly

    lJiangsu Provincial Federation of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Promoting the Co-Establishment and Economic Development of Industrial Parks in North- and South-Jiangsu

    lShanghai Key Laboratory of Urban Regeneration and Space Optimization Technology, Spatial Planning for Shanghai Medical Facilities: A Social Equity Perspective 

  • Publications

    lZongni Gu, Shi-Jie Cao, Xiaolong Luo. Examining the spatial and social heterogeneities of accessing hierarchical healthcare services through the lens of equity: A case study of the central urban area in Shanghai, China. Cities, 2024, 154: 105394.

    lZongni Gu, Mi Tang, Xiaolong Luo, and Jianxi Feng. Examination of the impacts of hospital accessibility on housing prices: heterogeneity across attributes, space and price quantiles, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2023, 39(1):179-200.

    lZongni Gu, Xiaolong Luo, Mi Tang, and Xiaoman Liu. Does the edge effect impact the healthcare equity? An examination of the equity in hospitals accessibility in the edge city in multi-scale. Journal of Transport Geography, 2023,106: 103513.

    lZongni Gu, Ilir Bejleri, Binbin Peng. Exploring Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Crash Duration in Urban Arterials and Collectors, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2022, 14(9), 1470-1489.

    lZongni Gu, Binbin Peng. Investigation into the built environment impacts on pedestrian crash frequencies during morning, noon/afternoon, night, and during peak hours: a case study in Miami County, Florida, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2019, 13:9, 915-935.

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Jiangsu Province,China(210093)
