Basic Information
Associate Professor CHEN Hao
Email: haochen@kysportapp.com
Brief Introduction
Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning from Nanjing University, Visiting Researcher from the University of Leeds in UK, and currently Associate Professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University.
CHEN Hao is mainly engaged in research on urban development and change, urban and regional governance. In recent years, his particular interests cover new transformations and development of Chinese old cities and urban renewal.
CHEN Hao has completed one project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and one project supported by China Postdoctoral Research Fund (General Program), and has participated in several research projects at the provincial level and local planning and consultation projects. He has published more than 40 papers in major journals both domestically and internationally. He was awarded the "40 years 40 outstanding papers influencing China's urban and rural planning process" and the "Jinjingchang China Outstanding Urban Planning Paper Award" for several times.
lUrban Regeneration Planning (For Undergraduate)
lHousing and Community Planning (For Undergraduate)
lUrban and Regional Development Planning (for International Master Program)
Research and Projects
l“The research on the strategy and path for urban regeneration in Nanjing”, local planning project, 2022.
l "A comparative study on the renewal path of the historical section of Diaoyutai-Hehuatang in Nanjing's old city south based on the perspective of daily diversity", local planning project, 2021.
l"Study on the regeneration planning and design of the livable demonstration area in the old city of Suzhou", local planning project, 2021.
l"Study on the Innovation of Spatial Planning and Governance System in Jiangbei New District of Nanjing", local planning project, 2020.
l"Urban declining induced by hyper-investment in the new towns of three- or four-tier cities in China: a case study of typical new towns in Jiangsu", supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017-2019.
lDancing with the Devil? Gentrification and Urban Struggles in, through and against the State in Nanjing, China", Geoforum, 2021.
lThe Right to Envision the City? The Emerging Vision Conflicts in Redeveloping Historic Nanjing, China, Urban Affairs Review, 2020.
lState Spatial Selectivity and The Property-led Development of Urban New Town in China: A Case Study Of Hexi New Town In Nanjing , Human Geography, 2018. (in Chinese)
lDual system of functional territory and administrative territory: management and innovation of urban government space with Nanjing as an example, Economic Geography, 2017. (in Chinese)
lAnti-growth Politics in Urban Spatial Development: A Case Study on The Southern Old City Event of Nanjing , City Planning Review, 2015. (in Chinese)
lRescaling as a Leading National Transformation Project: Decoding State Rescaling in China’s Changing Central State—Led Regional Planning, The China Review, 2014.
lThe Imbalance of Powers and Politics: Political Economy in Urban Redevelopment Projects During the Period of Institutional Transition, Urban Planning Forum, 2010. (in Chinese)
Research on Optimization and Renewal Planning of Spatial Layout in Wuxi New Area
Research on the Strategic Planning of Spatial Development in Wuhu City