Basic Information
Brief Introduction
B.Arch, M.Eng from Tsinghua University, Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Visiting Scholar from University of Washington, USA and Registered Planner. He is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning and Deputy Director of Centre for Urban Safety Development at Nanjing University.
HE Zhongyu is mainly engaged in research on the interaction between built environment and human behaviour, and his current researches focuse on the healthy cities and home-work balance.
HE Zhongyu is in charge of two projects supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and participates in two others. He has published more than 40 papers in both local and international academic journals and has published one book in translation. He has presided over or participated in several provincial and ministerial levels’ research and planning projects.
lArchitectural Design (For Undergraduate of Urban and Rural Planning)
lUrban and Regional Awareness Practicum (For Undergraduate of Urban and Rural Planning)lUrban History and Conservation Planning (For Undergraduate of Urban and Rural Planning)
lUrban Design Studies (For the Master of Urban and Rural Planning)
Research and Projects
l“Research on the active intervention of built environment on the health of middle-aged and elderly people in the context of an ageing society”, Project Leader, supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (General Program)(NO. 51678288), 2016-2020
l“Research on Residence-Employment Travel Model and Spatial Matching Degree in Mega Cities Based on the Theory of "Intervention Opportunities”, Project Leader, supported by Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO. 51308280), 2013-2016
l"Where to Send Jiangnan Culture - the Protection and Inheritance of Nostalgia" sub-program: the Experience of Japanese Rural Development and Characteristic Protection and Inspiration, Project Leader, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Construction's Key Program, 2015
lJapan Institute of Urban Planning (ed.). Zhai G. F., He Z. Y., Gao X. L. (trans.). Interpreting Japanese Urban Planning - A Review of 60 Years of Award-Winning Examples [M]. Beijing: China Construction Industry Press. 2017.
lHE Zhongyu, Zhai Guofang, Asami Yasushi, et al. Migration intentions and their determinants: comparison of college students in china and japan, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 2016, 25(1): 62-84.
lHE Zongyu, Zhai Guofang. Analysis of college students' employment choices and their influencing factors in China[J]. Human Geography. 2015(2): 37-42.
lHE Zhongyu, Asami Yasushi. How do landowners price their lands during land expropriation and the motives behind- Explanation from a WTP/WTA experiment in central Beijing, Urban Studies, 2014, 51(2): 412-427.
lHE Zhongyu, Zhang Jie. Impact Of Tourism Development On China’s Historic Villages And Towns [J]. City Planning Review. 2011(2): 68-73.