Basic Information
Brief Introduction
Nanjing University, China, Human Geography , Ph.D
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, Urban Planning, M.D.
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, Urban Planning, B.D.
SHEN Lizhen is the visiting scholar of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. She is an associate professor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Nanjing University, as well as the secretary of the Urban Planning Teaching Staff Branch and a master tutor. She is a national registered planner, a member of the Urban Geography Committee of the Chinese Geographical Society and a member of the Ecological City Committee of China.
SHEN Lizhen engages mainly in the fields of urban and regional planning theory and method, the space of flows, smart cities, and urban design.
She has directed two projects concerning the National Natural Science Foundation of China, , and has participated in 3 projects of National Natural Science Foundation Research.
SHEN Lizhen has published four books, including "The Space of flows", and more than thirty academic theses. She has won the First Prize of Excellent Design Achievement of the Construction Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Third Prize of Excellent Survey and Design of Urban and Rural Construction System of Jiangsu Province, and the First Prize of Excellent Paper of Jiangsu Tourism Society in 2021. She has been recognized with the College Model Teacher Award, Teaching Excellence Award and Outstanding Contribution Award. She has served as the advisor of multiple award-winning class projects in competitions both nationlly and internationally.
lDetailed Planning (For Undergraduates of Urban Planning)
lUrban Design (For Undergraduates of Urban Planning) -
Research and Projects
lStudy on the concept, evaluation indicators and network characteristics of smart regions: the Yangtze River Delta as an example. National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program). (No. 41871160, director, 2019/01-2022/12)
lA study on the spatial characteristics of regional space of flows based on factor flow measures: the Yangtze River Delta as an example. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Program). (No. 41301166, director, 2014/01-2016/12)
lA Study of Employment and Residential Spatial Changes in Chinese Cities in the Information Age. National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program). (No. 40971094, participants, 2010/01-2012/12)
lA Study of Urbanization Patterns, Processes and Mechanisms in China. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program). (No. 40435013, participants, 2005/01-2008/12)
lStudy on the formation process and mechanism of regional urban network under the influence of informationization: the Yangtze River Delta as an example. National Natural Science Foundation of China. (No. 40301014, participants, 2004/01-2006/12)
lShen Lizhen, The Space of Flows, Southeastern University Press, 2010
lShen Lizhen, Gu Zhaolin, Zhen Feng, A Study on the structural model of the space of flows, Journal of Urban Planning, 2010(5):26-32.
lShen Lizhen, Gu Zhaolin, Integration of Regional Space of Flows and Construction of Global Urban Network, Geographical Sciences, 2009(6):787-793.
lShen Lizhen, Xi Guangliang, Qin Xiao, Wang Xia, The Research on The Characteristics of The Regional Space of Flows Based On Measurement of The Express Logistic of Flows: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province, Human Geography, 2018, 33(01):102-108.
lShen li-zhen ,Zhen Feng.Thinking of the Idea of Space of Flows Effected on the Conversion of Planning Mode in New Era [J], Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning in Transitional China and the 3rd International Association for China Planning ConferenceNanjing: Southeast University Press;2009,9: 149-155;
lNanjing Kirin New City Smart City Plan
lShijiazhuang Industrial Space Study
lStudy on Urban Development Strategy of Xing'an Meng
lYancheng Dafeng Integrated Coastal Demonstration Belt Development Plan
lDonghai Hi-Tech Industrial Park Industrial Development Planning
lZhenjiang New District Engineering Technology Innovation Park Industrial Planning Study
lNan Daihe health city Industrial Planning and Feasibility Study
lLiusi Area Integration and Technology Industry Planning, Tongshan District, Xuzhou
lYancheng Digital Intelligence Industry Study and Conceptual Planning
lWater System and Landscape Planning for the Lake City of Qingyuan , Guangdong
lUrban and Rural Planning in Funing County, Qinhuangdao
lYancheng Xin Yanggang Area Urban Design and Study
lRegulatory Detailed Plan for Yancheng Environmental Protection Industrial Park
lLiancheng County Urban Master Planning
lHarbin Songbei Zoning Planning
lFujian Putian City Conceptual Planning