
  • Basic Information

    Postdoctoral Researcher CHEN Peipei

    Email: [email protected]

  • Education Background

    lPh.D. Human Geography, University of Southampton, England, 2021

    lM.Eng. Urban and Rural Planning, Nanjing University, China, 2016

    lB.Eng. Urban Planning, Henan Agricultural University, China, 2012

  • Research Interests

    Her research interests focus on three aspects: consumption transition of the rural areas and the social construction of rural spaces; Culture-led rural revitalization and rural tourism gentrification; Rural entrepreneurship and its local embeddedness.

  • Honors and Awards

    l2022,Outstanding postdoctoral researcher in Jiangsu Province

    l2023,Scholarship, Scholarship Council-University of Southampton Joint Scholarship, 2016-2020

    lDudley Stamp Memorial Award, Royal Geographical Society, 2018

    lWUN Research Mobility Programme Award, Worldwide Universities Network, 2018

    lNational Scholarship for Master's Degree Students, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, 2015

    lNational Encouragement Scholarship, The Education Department of Henan Province201

  • Academic Achievements

    lPhd thesis: Urban–rural mobility, landscape, and displacement: Rural Tourism Makers in China. (Supervisors:Nick Clarke, Brian J Hracs)

    lMaster thesis: The consumption transition and Social Space Reconstruction of Relational Rural Based on Actor-Network Theory-the case of Da Shiao and Bishan Villages. (Supervisor: Zhang Min)

    lChen, P., Clarke, N., & Hracs, B. J. (2022). Urban-rural mobilities: The case of China’s rural tourism makers. Journal of Rural Studies, 95, 402–411. (SSCI, IF 5.157, JCR一区)

    lChen, P., Zhang, M., & Wang, Y. (2022). Beyond displacement: the co-existence of newcomers and local residents in the process of rural tourism gentrification in China. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, online first. (SSCI, IF 9.470, JCR一区)

    lChen, P., Zhang, M., & Wang, Y. The Chinese new middle class and their production of an ‘authentic’ rural landscape in China’s gentrified villages. Geoforum, Accepted (SSCI, IF 3.926, JCR一区).

    lChen, P., Zhang, M. (2015). From beautiful village to urban residents' consumption space: Actor-network theory and the social space reconstruction of Dashiao village , Geographical Research, 34(08), 1435-1446. (CSSCI/CSCD)

  • Research and Projects

    The characters, mechanisms and optimization of local embeddedness of rural entrepreneurship from a contextualization perspective: evidence from the Yangtze River Delta (NSFC, PI, 2023-2025)

  • Publications

    lChen P, Zhang M, Wang Y. Beyond displacement : the co-existence of newcomers and local residents in the process of rural tourism gentrification in China local residents in the process of rural tourism gentrification. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2022, online first. doi. 10.1080/09669582.2022.2112201

    lChen P, Zhang M. From beautiful village to urban residents' consumption space: Actor-network theory and the social space reconstruction of Dashiao village. Geographical Research (Chinese), 2015, 34(8):1435-1446. doi.10.11821/dlyj201508003

    lPhD Thesis: Chen P. Urban–rural mobility, landscape, and displacement: rural tourism makers in China. 2021.

    lChen, P., Clarke, N., and Hracs, B. Mobilities Beyond Binaries: Rural Tourism Makers in China, Journal of Rural Studies. (Under review)

    lChen, P. Chinese middle class and the producing and performing of an aestheticized rural landscape in China. Geoforum. (Under review)

    lMaster Dissertation: Chen P. The Consumption Transition and Social Space Reconstruction of Relational Rural based on Actor-Network Theory—the Case of Da Shiao and Bishan Villages

    lChen P, Zhang M. Progress of research on rural entrepreneurship:a place-based perspective. The eighth cultural geography conference in China. Yulin, Shanxi, 2022.07

    lChen, P., Clarke, N., and Hracs, B. Rural tourism makers in China: identity, motivation, and practices.AAG, Washington DC, USA, 2019.4

    lChen, P. and Zhang, M. Urbanism and aesthetics oriented rural gentrification in China: case study of Bishan village. International Conference on China Urban Development, London, U.K., 2017.5

    l Chen P, Zhang M. From beautiful village to urban residents' consumption space: Actor-network theory and the social space reconstruction of Dashiao village. The Geographical Society of China Annual Conference, Changsha, 2014.10

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