
  • Basic Information

    Postdoctoral Researcher CAO jingwen

    Email: [email protected]

  • Brief Introduction

    Dr. Cao was graduated from The University of Sheffield as a member of Pro. Jian Kang’s IEDE Soundscape group. During her PhD research, she focused on the interactions between soundscape and social relationships in urban public spaces. Her major research interests are soundscape evaluations of built environment, socially- constructed soundscape perceptions and VR soundscape simulations.

    Recently, she was employed as the postdoctoral researcher awarded with‘Postdoctoral exchange introduction project in 2022’.

  • Education Background

    l2017-2022   PhD in Architectural department (The University of Sheffield)

    l2014-2015   Master of Urban Development and Planning (University College London)

    l2010-2014   Bachelor of Sociology (Southeast University)

  • Research Interests

    l2022-2024 2022 International Postdoctoral Exchange Project – Introduction Program. 《The research on Virtual Simulation of Soundscape in Jiangnan Classical Gardens》

    l2019- 2021 ERC Advanced Grant (no. 740696) on “Soundscape Indices” (SSID),Project Participant

  • Publications

    lCao, J.,& Kang, J.(2023) A perceptual structure of urban public space users’ soundscapes using Semantic Coding based on the Grounded Theory. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health,[Under Review]

    lCao, J., & Kang, J. (2023) Sustainable soundscape during the regeneration of urban public spaces——the cases in Suzhou, China.2022 Symposium on Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture -UNSW Conference.

    lCao, J., & Kang, J. (2021). The influence of companion factors on soundscape evaluations in urban public spaces. Sustainable Cities and Society, 69(March), 102860. //doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.102860

    lCao, J., & Kang, J. (2019). Social relationships and patterns of use in urban public spaces in China and the United Kingdom. Cities, 93(March), 188–196. //doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2019.05.003

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Jiangsu Province,China(210093)
