
  • Basic Information

    Postdoctoral Researcher QIAO Yibo

    Email: [email protected]

  • Education Background

    l2019/11-2023/01 PhD, Economic Geography, Utrecht University

    l2020/11-2021/06 Visiting scholar, Economics, Bocconi University

    l2016/09-2019/06 Master, Urban and Rural Planning, Nanjing University

    l2009/09-2014/07 Bachelor, Urban and Rural Planning, Zhejiang University

  • Research Interests

    His research interests are industrial evolution and spatial planning. Especially, he focuses on applying econometrics and causal inference techniques to urban-rural development and planning study with an economic geography approach.

  • Honors and Awards

    lOutstanding Work Prize of the 17th Chinese Young Planner Paper Competition, Urban Planning Society of China, 2022

    lNomination Award of JIN Jingchang China Urban Planning Excellent Paper Selection, Urban Planning Society of China, 2021

    lSecond Prize of the First Excellent Science and Technology Paper Award (Youth), Urban Planning Society of China, 2019

    lExcellence Award of the 4th JIN Jingchang China Urban and Rural Planning Postgraduate Paper Competition, JIN Jingchang/DONG Jianhong Urban Planning Education Fund, 2019

    lOutstanding Student by the Planning Alumni Association of Nanjing University, 2017

    lSecond Prize of the 15th Chinese Young Planner Paper Competition, Urban Planning Society of China, 2017

  • Academic Achievements

    lQiao Yibo, Ascani Andrea, Morrison Andrea. External linkages and regional diversification in China: The role of foreign multinational enterprises. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2024.

    lQiao Yibo. External Linkages, Innovation and Regional Diversification. Utrecht: Utrecht University, 2023. (ISBN:978-90-393-7538-9)

    lQiao Yibo, Wu Di. Relatedness, Complexity, and Regional Diversification in the European Union: The Role of Co-inventor Networks. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 2024.

    lQiao Yibo, Cortinovis Nicola, Morrison Andrea. MNE Spillovers and Local Export Dynamics in China: The Role of Relatedness and Forward-Backward Linkages. Eurasian Business Review, 2024. (Forthcoming)

    lQiao Yibo, Morrison Andrea, Ascani Andrea, Breschi Stefano. Returnees and Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Publicly Listed Firms. Science and Public Policy, 2024. 

    lQiao Yibo, Ascani Andrea. High-speed Railway and City Industrial Upgrading in China: A Quasi-experimental Study. Regional Studies, 2024. (Under review)

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