
  • Basic Information

    WANG Xiao, Postdoctoral Researcher

    Email: [email protected]

  • Brief Introduction

    Dr Xiao WANG holds a PhD in Creative Media from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, a MSc in Information Technology from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and a B.Eng. in Digital Media Engineering and a BA in Advertising (Dual Degree) from Xiamen University. He was awarded the UGC Scholarship for his PhD, which was supported by the University Grants Committee from Hong Kong Government. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning in Nanjing University. His research interests lie in human-environment interaction and spatial experience supported by digital technology and HCI, exploring the intersection of architecture, computer science, and neuroscience (Brain-computer interaction).

     He served as associate researcher and technical director of the Neuro-Design Lab at the Center for Applied Computing and Interactive Media (ACIM) of City University of Hong Kong, and the specially appointed technical and creative consultant at Osage Art Foundation Hong Kong. He has hosted and participated in 18 art and technology research projects, published a total of 8 international papers, participated in 34 international exhibitions as a creative and technical director, and won 4 international awards, including the International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA), Linz Ars Electronica Festival, Siggraph Asia, etc.

  • Publications

    lBenayoun, M., Anadol, R., WANG, X.. (2022). DïaloG, urban media installation, ISEA 2022 International Symposium on Electronic Arts, CCCB, MACBA, Barcelona, Spain.

    lBenayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., WANG, X.. (2022). Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain, Next World Forum, Four Seasons, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

    lBenayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., WANG, X., & MAK, A.. (2019). Value of Values, ISEA 2019 International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Asia Culture Centre, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of..

    lBenayoun, M., Klein, T., Mondinos, N., WANG, X., & MAK, A.. (2019). ISEA 2019 X VoV IVO (Art project: Value of Values), Art Center Nabi, Seoul, Korea, Republic of..

    lBenayoun, M., Wang, X.. (2018). The Torch is now in our Hands, art installation, ACM Siggraph Asia, Tokyo, Japan

    lWang, X., Mak, A., & Yang, Q.. (2016). Open Sky Project: Open Sky Campus III, The Power of Growth), ISEA 2016 International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ICC Tower, Hong Kong, China.

    lWang, X., Mak, A., & Yang, Q.. (2016). Open Sky Project: Open Sky Campus III, Language in the Wonderland), ISEA 2016 International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ICC Tower, ICC Tower, Hong Kong, China.

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