
  • Basic Information

    Prof. David Paul Shaw is selected by National Leading Talent Program,former Professor and Head of the Department of Civic Design at Liverpool University, former Editor of Town Planning Review and served as a panel member for the 2022 Research Excellence Framework for Unit of Assessment 17 (Architecture, Built Environment and Planning). To date, Prof. David Paul Shaw has published over 50 articles in journals such as Geoforum, Town Planning Review, and International Planning Studies etc., and presented more than 70 conference papers. Up to now, he has published 14 monographs, including Regional Planning and Development in Europe (2006) (Roberts, P, Shaw, D and Walsh, J (eds)), two editions of An Introduction to Rural Planning (2008, 2015) (Gallent, N, Jutti, M, Kidd, S and Shaw, D ), and more recently An Introduction to International Planning Studies (2023) International Planning Studies- (Sykes, O, Shaw, D and Webb B). He has guided over 30 PhD students since 1996, including many international students. He has participated in nearly 40 research consultancy projects since 1984.

  • Research Interests

    Prof. David Paul Shaw's research over the last several years has focused around two key themes. Firstly, He has had a longstanding interest in rural change and environmental management. He has been actively involved in several projects that have investigated the new and emerging institutional arrangements being developed to help deliver sustainable development. Partnership approaches and understanding the policy impacts of new environmental techniques are the areas of contemporary interest. Secondly, he has developed a growing interest and expertise in comparative international planning studies. This started with a focus on the process of European integration and the impacts that this was having on spatial development and planning practices in member states of the European Union, and more recently particularly with reference now to new and emerging field of marine spatial planning. This interest in comparative planning has led to recent opportunities in the MENA countries region, notably Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Sharjah.

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Jiangsu Province,China(210093)
