
  • Basic Information

    Prof. JIN Xing

    Email: [email protected]

  • Brief Introduction

    He graduated from School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University in 2012. He worked in the School of Architecture, Southeast University from 2012 to 2024, as an assistant professor (2012), associate professor (2015), and full professor (2019). He had studied and worked in ETH Zurich, Switzerland as a visiting scholar.

    The courses he taught included Building Physics, Building Technology, Field Practice, etc. He won the second prize of the Micro-course Competition in Jiangsu Province, the first prize of the Micro-course Competition in Southeast University, and the third prize of the first Teaching Innovation Competition in Southeast University.

    His research areas include building envelope thermal performance, historical building protection and performance improvement, urban heat island effect and mitigation, building optimization design, and rural residential building energy usage and saving. He got fund supports from the Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, the Ministry of Education, and Southeast University. He has published more than 100 papers, and the citations were more than 3,000. He published one English book, and got 12 patents. He was the World's Top 2% Scientists, the Huaying Scholar, and won the Heatcraft Awards of Professor Anshi Xia Scholarship.

    He is one of the directors in the Building Physics Branch of the Architectural Society of China, the Executive Editor of Frontiers of Architectural Research, the Associate Editor of the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry and the Journal of Building Design and Environment, the Editorial Board Member of Buildings, the Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Sustainable Energy, etc.

  • Research and Projects

    ·Natural Science Foundation of China: 2025.01-2028.12, PI

    ·Natural Science Foundation of China: 2021.01-2024.12, PI

    ·Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province: 2018.07-2021.06, PI

    ·Natural Science Foundation of China: 2014.01-2016.12, PI

    ·New Teacher Foundation for Doctoral Program of the Ministry of Education: 2014.01-2016.12, PI

    ·Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province: 2013.07-2016.06, PI

    ·National "13th Five-Year Plan" key R&D project: 2021.01-2023.12, sub-project PI

    ·National "13th Five-Year Plan" key R&D project: 2016.07-2020.06, sub-project PI

  • Publications

    ·Dan Song, Yizhi Fang, Annan Wang, Shengnan Niu, Lufang Chen, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi, Liu Yang, Xing Jin. Quantifying the cooling distance of green space by grid screening method: A case study of the Zijin Mountain in Nanjing. Urban Climate 55 (2024) 101970

    ·Xiaotong Qin, Haibo Liu, Xu Zhang, Nan Jiang, Liu Yang, Xing Jin. Thermal analysis of the window-wall interface for renovation ofhistorical buildings. Energy & Buildings 310 (2024) 114108.

    ·Xiaoyu Wang, Xing Shi, Xing Jin. Study on heat and moisture transfer characteristics of HPCMs. Journal of Building Physics 47(1) 2023, 121-147.

    ·Qianrong Wang, Liu Yang, Ning Zhao, Guoying Xu, Jianzhong Song, Xing Jin, Xiaoke Li, Shenghui Liu. A review of applications of plasmonic and conventional nanofluids in solar heat collection. Applied Thermal Engineering. 219(2023), 119476.

    ·Shuai Tian, Yuxin Lu, Xin Zhou, Lun Zhang, Jingjing An, Da Yan, Xing Shi, Xing Jin. A new perspective of solar hot water system operation optimization: Supply and demand matching. Renewable Energy. 207(2023): p. 89-104.

    ·Xiaoyu Wang, Xinkai Zhang, Sijie Zhu, Jiawen Ren, Francesco Causone, Yu Ye, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi. A novel and efficient method for calculating beam shadows on exterior surfaces of buildings in dense urban contexts. Building and Environment. 229(2023), 109937.

    ·Zixiang Su, Liu Yang, Jianzhong Song, Xing Jin, Xiaohu Wu, Xiaoke Li. Sensitivity analysis and exergoeconomic optimization of an improved He-CO2 cascade Brayton cycle for concentrated solar power. Energy Conversio and Management. 279(2023), 116756.

    ·Sijie Zhu, Francesco Causone, Naiping Gao, Yu Ye, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi. Numerical simulation to assess the impact of urban green infrastructure on building energy use: A review. Building and Environment. 228(2023), 109832.

    ·Lufang Chen, Yun Zhang, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi, Liu Yang, Xing Jin. A new method for measuring thermal resistance of building walls and analyses of influencing factors. Construction and Building Materials 385(2023), 131438

    ·Shengnan Niu, Xiaodong Liu, Annan Wang, Lufang Chen, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi, Liu Yang, Xing Jin. Research on the influence of outdoor trees on natural ventilation performance of an academic building. Building Simulation. 2023, 16(1): 927-946.

    ·Chao Wang, Martina Ferrando, Francesco Causone, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi. An innovative method to predict the thermal parameters of construction assemblies for urban building energy models (vol 224, 109541, 2022). Building and Environment. 237(2023), 110363.

    ·Sijie Zhu, Yanxia Li, Shen Wei, Chao Wang, Xinkai Zhang, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi. The impact of urban vegetation morphology on urban building energy consumption during summer and winter seasons in Nanjing, China. Landscape and Urban Planning. 228(2022), 104576.

    ·Sihong Du, Xinkai Zhang, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi. A review of multi-scale modelling, assessment, and improvement methods of the urban thermal and wind environment. Building and Environment. 213(2022), 108860.

    ·Sijie Zhu, Yue Yang, Yu Yan, Francesco Causone, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi. An evidence-based framework for designing urban green infrastructure morphology to reduce urban building energy use in a hot-humid climate. Building and Environment. 219(2022), 109181.

    ·Xin Zhou, Jiawen Ren, Chenxi Gui, Jingjing An, Chan Xiao, Yifan Tao, Xing Shi, Xing Jin, Da Yan. Generation and verification of vertical meteorological data for building energy simulation from a 325-meter Beijing meteorological tower. Energy and Buildings. 262(2022), 111992.

    ·Yun Zhang, Xiaoyu Wang, Xing Jin, Annan Wang, Xing Shi, Xin Zhou, Xiuzhang Fu. Moisture transfer characteristics of the wall with phase change material. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 147(2022): p. 2679-2688.

    ·Xu Zhang, Lufang Chen, Wendong Jiang, Xing Jin. Urban heat island of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration in China: Multi-time scale characteristics and influencing factors. Urban Climate 43 (2022) 101180

    ·Dan Song, Xu Zhang, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi, Xing Jin. Influences of wind direction on the cooling effects of mountain vegetation in urban area. Building and Environment 209 (2022) 108663

    ·Chao Wang, Shen Wei, Sihong Du, Dian Zhuang, Yanxia Li, Xing Shi, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou. A systematic method to develop three dimensional geometry models of buildings for urban building energy modeling. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2021, 71, 102998.

    ·Dian Zhuang, Xinkai Zhang, Yongdong Lu, Chao Wang, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi. A performance data integrated BIM framework for building life-cycle energy efficiency and environmental optimization design. Automation in Construction, 2021, 127, 103712.

    ·Liu Yang, Xing Jin, Yuan Zhang, Kai Du. Recent development on heat transfer and various applications of phase-change materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 287, 124432.

    ·Sijie Zhu, Sihong Du, Yanxia Li, Shen Wei, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou, Xing Shi. A 3D spatiotemporal morphological database for urban green infrastructure and its applications. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2021, 58, 126935.

    ·Xiaoyu Wang, Xing Jin. A transient heat and moisture transfer model for building materials based on phase change criterion under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions. Energy. 224(2021)120112

    ·Xiaoyu Wang, Xing Jin, Yonggao Yin, Xinyu Wang, Xing Shi, Xin Zhou. Study on non-isothermal moisture transfer characteristics of hygroscopic building materials: From parameter characterization to model analysis. Energy 212 (2020) 118788.

    ·Liu Yang, Weikai Ji, Zhongbin Zhang, Xing Jin. Thermal conductivity enhancement of water by adding graphene Nano-sheets: Consideration of particle loading and temperature effects. INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 2019, 109: 1-6

    ·Yuan Wang, Yonggao Yin, Xiaosong Zhang, Xing Jin. Study of an integrated radiant heating/cooling system with fresh air supply for household utilization. BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 2019, 165:1-10

    ·Xing Jin, Huoyan Hu, Xing Shi, Xin Zhou, Liu Yang, Yonggao Yin, Xiaosong Zhang. An improved heat transfer model for building phase change material wallboard. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, 134:1757-1763.

    ·Xing Jin, Huoyan Hu, Xing Shi, Xin Zhou, Liu Yang, Yonggao Yin, Xiaosong Zhang. A new heat transfer model of phase change material based on energy asymmetry. Applied Energy 212 (2018) 1409-1416.

    ·Xing Jin, Huoyan Hu, Xing Shi, Xin Zhou, Xiaosong Zhang. Comparison of two numerical heat transfer models for phase change material board. Applied Thermal Engineering 128 (2018) 1331-1339. 

    ·Xing Jin, Dongjie Shi, Mario A. Medina, Xing Shi, Xin Zhou, Xiaosong Zhang. Optimal location of PCM layer in building walls under Nanjing (China) weather conditions. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2017;129:1767-1778.

    ·Xing Jin, Mario A. Medina, Xiaosong Zhang. Numerical analysis for the optimal location of a thin PCM layer in frame walls. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016;103:1057-1063.

    ·Xing Jin, Huoyan Hu, Xing Shi, Xiaosong Zhang. Energy asymmetry in melting and solidifying processes of PCM. Energy Conversion and Management 2015;106(12):608-614.

    ·Xing Jin, Shuanglong Zhang, Xiaodong Xu, Xiaosong Zhang. Effects of PCM state on its phase change performance and the thermal performance of building walls. Building and Environment 2014;81(11):334-339.

    ·Xing Jin, Xiaodong Xu, Xiaosong Zhang, Yonggao Yin. Determination of the PCM melting temperature range using DSC. Thermochimica Acta 2014;595(11):17-21.

    ·Xing Jin, Mario A. Medina, Xiaosong Zhang. On the placement of a phase change material thermal shield within the cavity of buildings walls for heat transfer rate reduction. Energy 2014;73(8):780-786.

    ·Xing Jin, Shuanglong Zhang, Mario A. Medina, Xiaosong Zhang. Experimental study of the cooling process of partially-melted sodium acetate trihydrate. Energy and Buildings 2014;76(06):654-660.

    ·Xing Jin, Mario A. Medina, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuanglong Zhang. Phase-Change Characteristic Analysis of Partially Melted Sodium Acetate Trihydrate Using DSC. International Journal of Thermophysics 2014;35(01):45-52.

    ·Xing Jin, Mario A. Medina, Xiaosong Zhang. On the importance of the location of PCMs in building walls for enhanced thermal performance. Applied Energy 2013;106(06):72-78.

    ·Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang. Thermal performance evaluation of the wall using heat flux time lag and decrement factor. Energy and Buildings 2012;47(4):369-374.

    ·Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang. Thermal analysis of a double layer phase change material floor. Applied Thermal Engineering 2011;31(10):1576-1581.

    ·Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang. A new evaluation method for zeotropic refrigerant mixtures based on the variance of the temperature difference between the refrigerant and heat transfer fluid. Energy Conversion and Management 2011;52(1):243-249.

    ·Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang, Yajun Luo. A calculation method for the floor surface temperature in radiant floor system. Energy and Buildings 2010;42(10):1753-1758.

    ·Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang, Yajun Luo, Rongquan Cao. Numerical simulation of radiant floor cooling system: The effects of thermal resistance of pipe and water velocity on the performance. Building and Environment 2010;45(11):2545-2552.

  • Works

    ·Architectural Design of Fanshan Research Center, Hefei (Participation, Building Envelope Thermal Performance and Environment Analyses)

    ·Urban Renovation of Xiaoxihu, Nanjing (Participation, Building Envelope Thermal Performance and Environment Analyses)

    ·Protection and Renewal Design of Asian Architectural Archive Center, Nanjing (Participation, Building Envelope thermal performance Analyses)

    ·Protection and Repair Design of Zhangjian Building, Nantong (Participation, Building Envelope thermal performance Analyses)

    ·South New Residential Building Design, Shenzhen (Participation, Bidding, Thermal Performance and Environment Analyses)

    ·Architectural design of the new library, Kunming (participation, Bidding, Thermal Performance and Environment Analyses)

    ·Architectural Design of Donghu Building, Jinan (Participation, Bidding, Thermal Performance and Environment Analyses)

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