
  • Basic Information

    Associate Prof. GAO Zhi

    Email: [email protected]

  • Brief Introduction

    B.S. (1995) and M.S. (1998) from Tianjin University, Ph.D. (2010) from Syracuse University, USA, and Postdoctoral Fellowship (2011) from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Zhi Gao is currently an Associate Professor, the director of “Building Physics and Green Building Laboratory”, the deputy director of “International Research Center for Green Buildings and Urban Living Environment”, and Master's Supervisor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Nanjing University, China. He is mainly engaged in research on urban microclimate and energy, building energy and environment, indoor air quality and underground space environment and health. He has published more than sixty SCI, SSCI and A&HCI journal papers. He has been the associate editor of Taylor & Francis' SCI journal“International Journal of Ventilation”since 2023, the editorial board member of Elsevier' s SCI journalEnergy and Buildings”since 2024, the editorial board member of Taylor & Francis' SCI journalScience and Technology for the Built Environment”since 2021. He was the guest editor of Springer Nature' SCI journalBuilding Simulation”in 2021. He was the executive chairman of the 16th international forum on Combined Heat, Air, Moisture and Pollutant Simulations  research for building and urban energy efficiency and environmental quality analysis (CHAMPS2019), and the chairman of the 1st international symposium on "Morphology – Material – Microclimate - Energy " low carbon city construction and new technologies for building energy efficiency(MMME2023).

  • Courses

    lFundamentals of Heat Transfer and Computational Fluid Dynamics (International Course for the Master of Architecture)

    lBuilt Environment (For the Master of Architecture)

    lBuilding Equipments (For the Undergraduate of Architecture)

    lIndoor Air Quality and Innovative Cleaning Technology in Modern Buildings (Innovation Course)

  • Honors and Awards

    lGuo, Chao; “Thermal environment analysis of typical urban street form and its influence on building energy consumption”, Excellent Master Degree of Jiangsu Province in 2021.

    lRui, Liyan; “Effects of morphology and greening of urban intersection on ventilation”, Excellent Master Degree of Jiangsu Province in 2020.

    lShen, Jialei; “Research on source, removal and dispersion of indoor ozone”, Excellent Master Degree of Jiangsu Province in 2019.

    lXu, Fusuo; Healthy Buildings 2023 Asia, Student Conference Support Award.

    lGuo, Chao; Healthy Buildings 2019 Asia, Student Conference Support Award.

    lShen, Jialei; Healthy Buildings 2017 Europe, Student Conference Support Award.

    lXu, Fusuo; Merit student of Jiangsu Province,2024.

    lNational ScholarshipWang, Hanning2024); Xu, Fusuo(博士生,Ph.D student, 2024);Hu, Yongyu2022);Xu, Fusuo(博士生,Ph.D student, 2022);Guo, Xin2020);Guo, Chao(2019);Huang, Yu2019);Rui, Liyan2018);Yang, Zhe2018);Shen, Jialei2017.

  • Research and Projects

    lHost the Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(“Study of the coupling effect mechanism of typical urban block morphology and building surface materials on urban microclimate and building energy consumption”,2023-2026); Participation in the key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (presiding over sub project “Research on integrated numerical simulation method of urban microclimate based on urban morphology in hot summer and cold winter regions”, 2016-2020);Participation in the key project of the Joint Meteorological Fund of the National Natural  Science Foundation of China (presiding over sub project “Research on the coupling mechanism of multi scale wind and thermal environment and building energy consumption in typical urban and rural areas of hot summer and cold winter regions”, 2025-2028).

    lParticipation in two National Key R&D Program Projects (presiding over sub project “Contributions of outdoor particulate matters and ozone to indoor environment”, 2016-2019).


    lHost the Priority funding for national science and technology activities for Chinese overseas returnees; Opening projects of key laboratories of National, the Ministry of Education and Jiangsu Province.

  • Publications

    lZhang M, Carlo O, Peng Y, Gao Z*, Zhang J, Ji G, Buccolieri R. Volumetric Drag Coefficients for Generic Urban Configurations: Insights from Canopy Flow Analysis. Building and Environment, 2024, 267(13):112273.

    lZhang M, Li J, Palusci O, Gao Z*, Ji G, Zhang J, Buccolieri R. Reduced-scale numerical investigation of airflow around low-medium density neighbourhoods from the perspectives of drag force and ventilation efficiency. Urban Climate, 2024, 58(8):102158.

    lYang J, Wang H, Cheng L, Gao Z*, Xu F. A review of resistance–capacitance thermal network model in urban building energy simulations. Energy and Buildings, 2024, 323(1): 114765.

    lWang H, Hang J, Yang J, Gao Z*, Zhao J, Xu F. Reduced-scale experimental study on the cooling effect of solar control films and cool materials. Energy and Buildings, 2024, 320(39): 114636.

    lWang H, Guo X, Yang J, Gao Z*, Zhang M, Xu F. Indoor PM2.5 and building energy consumption in nine typical residential neighborhoods in Nanjing under different ventilation strategies caused by traffic-related PM2.5 dispersion. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 95(4):110168.

    lXu F, Hang J, Wang H, Gao Z*, Zhang J, Yang J. An experimental study of the effects of using cool materials at different building heights on the indoor and outdoor environment. Building and Environment, 2024, 259(4):111664.

    lZhang M, Guo X, Li J, Gao Z*, Ji G, Zhang J, Buccolieri R. Urban-canopy airflow dynamics: A numerical investigation of drag forces and distribution for generic neighborhoods, and their relationships with breathability. The Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 926(758):171836.

    lQiu K, Yang J, Gao Z*, Xu F. A review of Modelica language in building and energy: Development, applications, and future prospect. Energy and Buildings, 2024, 308(7): 113998.

    lXu F, Wang H, Tian D, Gao Z*, Zhang J. Factors affecting the daytime cooling effect of cool materials: A case study combining experiment and simulation. Building and Environment, 2024, 250:111213.

    lXu F, Tian D, Gao Z*, Zhang J. The effects of cool materials, façade orientation, and morphological parameters on energy consumption at the residential neighborhood scale. Building Simulation, 2024, 17:525-542.

    lXu F, Zhang J, Gao Z*. A case study of the effect of building surface cool and super cool materials on residential neighborhood energy consumption in Nanjing. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2024, 189:114027.

    lXu F, Zhang J, Gao Z*, Tian D, Wang h. Study on the energy-saving effects of radiative material properties and material coating ratios in residential neighborhoods with different morphologies. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 301: 113718.

    lXu F, Zhang J, Gao Z*. The effect of building surface cool and super cool materials on microclimate in typical residential neighborhoods in Nanjing. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 98:104838.

    lXu F, Shen J, Gao Z*. A field measurement study of the effects of outdoor pollutants and room volumes on indoor fine particle and ozone concentrations. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 78:107615.

    lTian D, Zhang J, Gao Z*. The advancement of research in cool roof: Super cool roof, temperature-adaptive roof and crucial issues of application in cities. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 291:113131.

    lXu X, Gao Z*, Zhang M. A review of simplified numerical approaches for fast urban airflow simulation. Building and Environment, 2023, 234:110200.

    lGuo X, Zhang M, Gao Z*, Zhang J, Buccolieri R. Neighborhood-scale dispersion of traffic-related PM2.5: Simulations of nine typical residential cases from Nanjing. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 90:104393.

    lHu Y, Peng Y, Gao Z*, Xu F. Application of CFD plug-ins integrated into urban and building design platforms for performance simulations: A literature review. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2023, 12(1):148-174.

    lXu F, Gao Z*. Frontal area index: A review of calculation methods and application in the urban environment. Building and Environment, 2022, 224:109588.

    lXu F, Gao Z*, Zhang J, Hu Y, Ding W. Influence of typical street-side public building morphologies on the ventilation performance of streets and squares. Building and Environment, 2022, 221: 109331.

    lZhang M, You W, Qin Q, Peng D, Hu Y*, Gao Z, Buccolieri R. Investigation of typical residential block typologies and their impact on pedestrian level microclimate in summers in Nanjing. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2022, 11(2):278-296.

    lXu F, Gao Z*, Zhang J. Effects of roadside morphologies and moving vehicles on street canyon ventilation. Building and Environment, 2022, 218: 109138.

    lXu F, Gao Z*. Transport and control of kitchen pollutants in Nanjing based on the Modelica multizone model. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2022, 15(1):97-111.

    lGuo X, Buccolieri R, Gao Z*, Zhang M, Lyu T, Rui L, Shen J. On the effects of urban-like intersections on ventilation and pollutant dispersion. Building Simulation, 2022, 15: 419-433.

    lXu F, Gao Z*. Study on indoor air quality and fresh air energy consumption under different ventilation modes in 24-hour occupied bedrooms in Nanjing, using Modelica-based simulation. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 257(2):111805.

    lGuo X, Gao Z*, Buccolieri R, Zhang M, Shen J. Effect of greening on pollutant dispersion and ventilation at urban street intersections. Building and Environment. 2021, 203(9): 108075.

    lPeng Y, Gao Z*, Ding W, Zhang J, Li X, Xu J, Wei Y. Application of computational fluid dynamics in subway environment without fire and smoke - Literature review. Building and Environment, 2021, 206:108408.

    lZhang M, Gao Z*. Effect of urban form on microclimate and energy loads: Case study of generic residential district prototypes in Nanjing, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 70:102930.

    lPeng Y, Gao Z*, Buccolieri R, Shen J, Ding W. Urban ventilation of typical residential streets and impact of building form variation. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 67: 102735.

    lGao Z, Liang W, Shi S, Zhang J*. Combined Heat, Air, Moisture and Pollutant Simulations (CHAMPS) research for building and urban energy efficiency and environmental quality analysis. Building Simulation, 2021, 14(2):237-239.

    lShen J, Krietemeyer B, Bartosh A, Gao Z, Zhang J*. Green Design Studio: A modular-based approach for high-performance building design. Building Simulation, 2021, 14:241-268.

    lHuang Y, Gao Z*, Zhang H. Comparison of common machine learning algorithms trained with multi-zone models for identifying the location and strength of indoor pollutant sources. Indoor and Built Environment, 2021, 30(8):1142-1158.

    lPeng Y, Buccolieri R, Gao Z, Ding W*. Indices employed for the assessment of “urban outdoor ventilation”-A review. Atmospheric Environment. 2020, 223:117211.

    lGuo C, Gao Z*, Shen J. Emission rates of indoor ozone emission devices: A literature review. Building and Environment. 2019, 158:302-318.

    lGuo C, Buccolieri R, Gao Z*. Characterizing the morphology of real street models and modeling its effect on thermal environment. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 203:109433.

    lYang Y, Gatto E, Gao Z*, Buccolieri R, Morakinyo T, Lan H. The “plant evaluation model” for the assessment of the impact of vegetation on outdoor microclimate in the urban environment. Building and Environment, 2019, 159:106151.

    lShen J, Gao Z*. Commuter exposure to particulate matters in four common transportation modes in Nanjing. Building and Environment, 2019, 156:156-170.

    lRui L, Buccolieri R, Gao Z*, Gatto E, Ding W. Study of the effect of green quantity and structure on thermal comfort and air quality in an urban-like residential district by ENVI-met modelling. Building Simulation, 2019, 12(2):183-194.

    lShen J, Gao Z*. Ozone removal on building material surface: A literature review. Building and Environment, 2018, 134: 205-217.

    ·Shen J, Gao Z*, Ding W, Yu Y. An investigation on the effect of street morphology to ambient air quality using six real-world cases. Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 164:85-101.

    lGao Z*, Zhang J. Modeling particle penetration through the wall assembly using computational fluid dynamics. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2015, 49:167-178.

    lGao Z, Zhang J*, Byington J. An experimental study on the uptake factor of tungsten oxide particles resulting from an accidentally dropped storage container. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2013, 10:357-367.

    lGao Z*, Zhang J. Modeling ozone penetration through the wall assembly using computational fluid dynamics. HVAC&R Research, 2012, 18:160-168.

    lGao Z*, Zhang J. Numerical analysis for evaluating the 'Exposure Reduction Effectiveness' of room air cleaners. Building and Environment. 2010, 45(9):1984-1992.

    lSmith J, Gao Z*, Zhang J, Guo B. A new experimental method for the determination of emittable initial VOC concentrations in building materials and sorption isotherms for IVOCs. CLEAN – Soil Air Water, 2009, 37(6):454-458.

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