
  • Basic Information

    Associate Professor SHI Shanshan

    Email: [email protected]

  • Brief Introduction

    lBachelor of Department of Thermal Energy and Power Engineering at Central South University

    lPh.D. of Department of Building Science at Tsinghua University

    lVisiting scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 

    lVisiting scholar at Duke University

    lAssociate professor of School of architecture and urban planning of Nanjing University.

    Dr. Shi’s research interest focuses on  indoor air quality, with a particular emphasis on the emission, transmission, and control of particulate matter and semi-volatile organic compounds, as well as their associated environmental health risks.  She currently serves as a Subject Editor for the international journal "Building Simulation". She also serves as a Youth editor for the international journal “The Innovation” and “Indoor Environments”. Additionally, she serves as the Secretary for the Youth Committee of the Indoor Environment and Health Division of the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, and is a member of the Building Simulation Professional Committee of the Chinese Society for Simulation. Also, She serves as the Deputy Director of the Air Purification and Health Safety Environment Professional Committee of the Jiangsu Refrigeration Society.

    Dr. Shi was awarded the prestigious "Grant-in-Aid" by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHARE) in 2015. She has also won the China Best Paper award in the field of sustainable development from Cell Press in 2022 and the First Prize in the Third Nanjing University Faculty Teaching Competition.  Additionally, she has been selected as part of Jiangsu Province's "Double Innovation Talent" program and  the sixteenth batch of the "Six Talent Peaks" high-level talent development plan in Jiangsu Province.

  • Courses

    l《Science in Built Environment

    l《Theory and Practice of Healthy Cities》

  • Research and Projects

    lNatural Science Foundation of China, general  project, “Study on Regional Characterization of Indoor Transportation, Exposure, and Health risks of Multi-media Phthalates”, 2025-2028, PI

    lSpecial fund of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Environmental Pollution Control and Remediation Technology “Study on Urban-Rural Differences in the Mechanisms of Indoor-Outdoor Transport of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) in the Built Environment”. 2024-2025, PI

    lNatural Science Foundation of China, international cooperation project “Transit-Oriented Development 2 (TOD2) – Public spaces, mobility hubs and climate neutrality toolbox”, 2023-2026,Major participant

    lSpecial fund of Beijing Key Laboratory of Indoor Air Quality Evaluation and Control “Study on the particulate matter emitted from cooking activity in rural communities of different forms and the corresponding health risks”, 2020-2021, PI

    lNatural Science Foundation of China, youth project "Research on purification mechanism and heterogeneous model of phthalates in indoor air by glass fiber and activated carbon", 2018-2020, PI

    lJiangsu Natural Science Foundation, youth project "Research on the mechanism of removing poly (phthalates) from indoor air with glass fiber filter materials", 2018-2020, PI

    lChina Postdoctoral Science Foundation general support project "Research on residential ventilation and purification mode in hot summer and cold winter areas to optimize indoor air quality", 2018-2019, PI

    lJiangsu Province post doctoral research class a funded project "Research on natural ventilation conditions and influencing factors of residential buildings in Nanjing", 2018-2019, PI

    lThe key special project of “Green Building and Building Industrialization” of the Ministry of Science and Technology, “Indoor Ventilation Strategy and Air Quality Construction of Residential Buildings”,2016-2019, Major participant

  • Publications

    lYang, J., Lin, Z., & Shi, S.* (2024). Household air pollution and attributable burden of disease in rural China: A literature review and a modelling study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 134159.

    lZhang, X., Liang, Y.*, Shi, S.*, & Shen, G. (2024). A study of the impact of entrance space on indoor air quality in vernacular dwellings in desert areas during sandstorms. Built Heritage, 8(1), 34.

    lDeng, N. #, Zheng, X. #, Shi, S.* (2023). Assessment of health risks of PAHs from rural cooking emissions: Neighborhood diffusion and the impact of village settlement characteristics. Building and Environment, 244, 110801.

    lShi, S.*, Yang, J., & Liang, Y. (2023). Indoor distribution and personal exposure of cooking-generated PM2. 5 in rural residences of China: A multizone model study. Building Simulation 1-17.

    lZhao, B.*, Shi, S.*, Ji, J. S.* (2022). The WHO Air Quality Guidelines 2021 promote great challenge for indoor air. Science of the Total Environment, 827, 154376.

    lShi, S.*, Zhang, J. J., Gong, J., & Zhao, B.* (2022). Benefits from disease-burden reduction for type 2 diabetes and obesity through comprehensive regulatory restrictions on phthalate use in China. One Earth, 5(4), 380-391.

    lShi, S.*, Li, H., Ding, X., & Gao, X. (2020). Effects of household features on residential window opening behaviors: A multilevel logistic regression study. Building and environment, 170, 106610.

    lShi, S., Zhao, B., & Zhang, J. J. (2018). Effect of residential air cleaning interventions on risk of cancer associated with indoor semi-volatile organic compounds: a comprehensive simulation study. The Lancet Planetary Health, 2(12), 532-539.

    lShi, S.#, Cao, J.#, Zhang, Y.*, & Zhao, B.* (2018). Emissions of Phthalates from Indoor Flat Materials in Chinese Residences. Environmental science & technology, 52(22), 13166-13173. 

    lShi, S.* (2018). Contributions of indoor and outdoor sources to airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons indoors. Building and Environment, 131, 154-162.

    lShi, S., Bian. Y., Zhang. L., Chen, C.* (2017). A method for assessing the performance of nanofiber films coated on window screens in reducing residential exposures to PM 2.5 of outdoor origin in Beijing. Indoor air 27, 6: 1190-1200.

    lShi, S., Chen, C., Zhao, B.* (2017). Modifications of exposure to ambient particulate matter: Tackling bias in using ambient concentration as surrogate with particle infiltration factor and ambient exposure factor. Environmental Pollution, 220, 337-347.

    lShi, S., Zhao, B*. (2016). Occupants’ interactions with windows in 8 residential apartments in Beijing and Nanjing, China. Building Simulation, 9, 221-231. 

    lShi, S., Zhu, S., Lee, E. S., Zhao, B., Zhu, Y.* (2016). Performance of wearable ionization air cleaners: Ozone emission and particle removal. Aerosol Science and Technology, 50(3), 211-221.

    lShi, S., Chen, C., Zhao, B.* (2015). Air infiltration rate distributions of residences in Beijing. Building and Environment, 92, 528-537.

    lShi, S., Zhao, B.* (2015). Estimating indoor semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) associated with settled dust by an integrated kinetic model accounting for aerosol dynamics. Atmospheric Environment, 107, 52-61.

    lShi, S., Zhao, B.* (2014). Modeled exposure assessment via inhalation and dermal pathways to airborne semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in residences. Environmental science & technology, 48(10), 5691-5699.

    lShi, S., Li, Y., Zhao, B.* (2014). Deposition velocity of fine and ultrafine particles onto manikin surfaces in indoor environment of different facial air speeds. Building and environment, 81, 388-395.

    lShi, S., Zhao, B.* (2013). Deposition of indoor airborne particles onto human body surfaces: a modeling analysis and manikin-based experimental study. Aerosol Science and Technology, 47(12), 1363-1373.

    lShi, S., Zhao, B*. (2012). Comparison of the predicted concentration of outdoor originated indoor polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons between a kinetic partition model and a linear instantaneous model for gas–particle partition. Atmospheric Environment, 59, 93-101.

Add:22# Hankou Road, Gulou District,Nanjing

Jiangsu Province,China(210093)
