
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    张姗琪  准聘助理教授/特聘研究员、博士生导师

    Assistant professor ZHANG Shanqi

    电邮 Email: zhangshanqi@kysportapp.com

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    加拿大滑铁卢大学地理系博士、美国佐治亚大学地理系硕士、南京师范大学地理信息系统系学士。现为南京大学开元体育app 准聘助理教授/特任研究员、博士生导师。

    中国可持续发展研究会时空信息专业委员会委员、中国城市科学研究会城市大数据专业委员会委员、中国地理信息产业协会智慧国土工作委员会委员、中国城市规划学会规划新技术应用专业委员会青年委员,《Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science》、《时空信息学报》青年编委。

    主要从事规划新技术领域的研究,重点关注基于时空大数据的规划分析与模拟方法。主持国家自然科学基金(面上、青年)、博士后基金面上项目等科研项目10项;入选自然资源部高层次科技创新人才工程青年科技人才(2024)、教育部“博士后国际交流计划引进项目” (2018)、江苏省“双创博士”计划(2021)。共发表学术论文60余篇; 获国家发明专利3项、软件著作权8项。

    获自然资源科学技术奖一等奖、国土空间规划青年论坛优秀论文一等奖、ESRI Canada ECCE Challenge第一名、深圳市优秀城市规划设计奖一等奖等奖项。指导的研究生和本科生获城垣杯规划决策支持模型设计大赛特等奖/二等奖、神州控股校园极客大赛一等奖、国土空间规划年会优秀研究生报告二等奖、中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛三等奖、园冶杯大学生国际竞赛三等奖等奖项。


    Ph.D. Geography, University of Waterloo, Canada

    M.S. Geography, The University of Georgia, USA

    B.S. GIS, Nanjing Normal University, China

    Shanqi's research interests focus broadly on methods for using geospatial information technology and data to support decision making and public participation in spatial planning. Her current research focuses on spatiotemporal modeling of human mobility, spatial optimization methods, and data-driven community planning.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    Graduate course: Seminar in quantitative spatial planning methods


    Graduate course: Introduction to Future Urban Research: Theory and Method


    Undergraduate course: Architecture and planning technology II (Module)


    Undergraduate course: AI for Spatial Planning


    Undergraduate course: Literature search and academic writing


    Undergraduate course: Urban Big data and smart planning


    Undergraduate course: "Light of science"— Intelligent Technology and Future cities

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects


    The Natural Science Foundation of China (PI, 2025-2028)



    The Natural Science Foundation of China (PI, 2021-2023)



    The Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Smart Planning Technology, Ministry of Natural Resources, PI, 2022-2024



    The Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Monitoring, Evaluation and Early Warning of Territorial Spatial Planning Implementation, Ministry of Natural Resources, PI, 2023-2024



    Jiangsu Shuangchuang (Mass Innovation and Entrepreneurship) Talent Program (PI, 2021-2023)


    China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant, PI, 2019-2020


    l2018-2020,教育部“国际博士后交流引进计划项目” ,主持

    "International Postdoctoral Exchange Introduction Program Project" by Chinese Ministry of Education (PI, 2018-2020)



    Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (PI, 2020-2020)



          Nanjing Overseas Student Science Innovation Project (PI,2019-2020)

  • 主要论著 Publications

    [* - 通讯作者/corresponding author]

    lShanqi Zhang, Zhuomin Hu, Feng Zhen et al., 2025. Assessing the (in)equality of an x-minute city accounting for human mobility patterns. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 192(2025):104354. (SSCI)

    lShanqi Zhang, Jie Zhang, Yu Yang et al., 2025. The non-linear effects of built environment on bus ridership of vulnerable people. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 139(2025): 104540. (SSCI)

    lHui Luan, Shanqi Zhang*, Xiao Fu. 2024. Bayesian multivariate spatiotemporal modeling of bus and taxi ridership. Journal of Transport Geography. 121(2024): 104032. (SSCI)

    lJia Tang, Shanqi Zhang*, Mei Zhang. 2024. The impact of perceived income level on commuting time: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Travel Behavior and Society, 37(2024):100862. (SSCI)

    lLizhen Shen, Zhaocheng Zhong, Cheng Chen, Shanqi Zhang, Feng Zhen. 2024. City Network Evolution Characteristics of Smart Industry: Evidence from Yangtze River Delta, China. Chinese Geographical Science. 34(5): 829−848.

    lYu Kong, Feng Zhen, Shanqi Zhang. 2024. Which neighborhoods have easier access to online home delivery services? A spatiotemporal accessibility analysis. Chinese Geographical Science, 34(4): 722-738.

    lYu Kong, Feng Zhen, Shanqi Zhang, Enyu Chang, Long Cheng, Frank Witlox. 2024. Unveiling the influence of the extended online-to-offline food delivery service environment on urban residents’ usage: A case study of Nanjing, China. Cities, 152(2024): 105220.

    lShanqi Zhang, Xiao Qin, Feng Zhen, Yijing Huang, Yu Kong. 2023. Do surveillance cameras improve perceived neighborhood safety? A case study of Nanjing, China. Cities, 140(2023):104423. (SSCI, 城市研究期刊2/40)

    lShanqi Zhang, Hui Luan, Feng Zhen, Yu Kong, Guangliang Xi. 2023. Does online food delivery improve the equity of food access? A case study of Nanjing, China. Journal of Transport Geography, 107(2023):103516. (SSCI)

    lShanqi Zhang, Feng Zhen, Yu Kong, Tashi Lobsang, Sicong Zou. 2022. Towards a 15-minute city: A network-based evaluation framework. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. August 2022. (SSCI)

    lHui Luan, Shanqi Zhang*. 2022. Jointly modeling bus and taxi ridership: A Bayesian multivariate spatial analysis accounting for cross-ridership correlation. Transactions in GIS, 00, 1–21 (SSCI)

    lShanqi Zhang, Feng Zhen, Bo Wang, Zherui Li, Xiao Qin. 2022. Coupling Social Media and Agent-based Modelling: A Novel Approach for Supporting Smart Tourism Planning. Journal of Urban Technology, 29:2, 79-97. (SSCI, JCR一区)

    lMengqiu Cao, Shanqi Zhang*. 2022. Shifting frontiers of the new spatial planning paradigm from a theoretical and methodological development perspective in Asia and the Middle East. International review for spatial planning and sustainable development. 10(4): 1-6.

    lXiao Fu, Yufan Zuo, Shanqi Zhang, Zhiyuan Liu. 2022. Measuring joint space-time accessibility in transit network under travel time uncertainty. Transport Policy, 116(2022):355-368. (SSCI)

    lShanqi Zhang, Yu Yang, Feng Zhen, Tashi Lobsang, Zhixuan Li. 2021. Understanding the Travel Behaviors and Activity Patterns of the Vulnerable Population Using Smart Card Data: An Activity Space-based Approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 90(2021): 102938. (SSCI,中科院/JCR一区, TOP期刊)

    lXiao Qin, Feng Zhen, Shanqi Zhang. 2021. Housing space and ICT usage: A cross sectional case study in the Netherlands. Cities, 114(2021):103208. (SSCI)

    lTashi Lobsang, Feng Zhen, Shanqi Zhang, Guangliang Xi, Yu Yang. 2021. Methodological Framework for Understanding Urban People Flow from a Complex Network Perspective. Journal of Urban Planning and Development,147(3):04021020. (SSCI)

    lChunfang Liu, Zhiying Zhang, Shanqi Zhang*. 2020. Smart Initiatives for Land Resource Management: Perspectives and Practices From China. Journal of Urban Technology. (SSCI, JCR一区)

    lShanqi Zhang, Yu Yang, Feng Zhen, Tashi Lobsang, 2020. Exploring Temporal Activity Patterns of Urban Areas Using Aggregated Network-driven Mobile Phone Data: A Case Study of Wuhu, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 30(4): 695–709. (SCI-E)

    lTashi Lobsang, Feng Zhen, Shanqi Zhang. 2020. Can Urban Street Network Characteristics Indicate Economic Development Level? Evidence from Chinese Cities. lSPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9, 3. (SCI-E)

    lShanqi Zhang*. 2019. Public participation in the Geoweb era: Defining a typology for geoparticipation in local governments, Cities, 85(2019): 38-50. (SSCI,中科院/JCR一区, TOP期刊)

    lMiaoyi Li, Xinyue Ye, Shanqi Zhang, Xiaoyong Tang, Zhenjiang Shen. 2018. A Framework of Comparative Urban Trajectory Analysis, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 45(3): 489-507 (SSCI)

    lShanqi Zhang*, Rob Feick. 2016. Understanding Public Opinions from Geosocial Media, lSPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 5(74). (SCI-E)

    l张姗琪; 胡卓慜; 李璐; 甄峰.面向市级国土空间规划实施监测的弹性监测单元体系构建研究——以宁波市为例. 规划师,2025.

    l黄伊婧; 张姗琪*; 林昀; 甄峰; 赵赛帅; 李璐. 城市级国土空间规划实施监测体系的构建思路与实践探索——以宁波市为例. 自然资源学报. 2024,39(04):823-841.

    l王星; 张姗琪*; 甄峰; 沈丽珍. 面向社区生活圈的行为-设施时空匹配度评价——以南京市中心城区为例. 上海城市规划,2024(02):15-22.

    l秦萧; 张姗琪*; 甄峰; 李民健; 黄伊婧; 蒋继儒; 刘光治. 城市信息技术支持的智慧更新概念框架与技术路径研究. 国际城市规划. 2024, 39(1):30-40.

    l张姗琪; 甄峰; 孔宇; 邹思聪. 基于虚实空间交互的社区生活圈设施评估与布局优化. 自然资源学报,2023, 38(10) . (CSSCI/CSCD)

    l邹思聪; 张姗琪*; 甄峰. 全龄友好理念下的社区生活圈公共服务设施评价与优化:以南京市中心城区为例. 城市与区域规划研究. 2023, 15(1): 143-153. (CSSCI)

    l张姗琪; 甄峰; 秦萧; 唐佳. 面向城市社区规划的参与式感知与计算——概念模型与技术框架, 地理研究, 2020, 39(7):1580-1591. (CSSCI/CSCD)

    l甄峰; 张姗琪*; 秦萧; 席广亮. 从信息化赋能到综合赋能:智慧国土空间规划思路探索, 自然资源学报, 2019, 34(10): 2060-2072 (CSSCI/CSCD)

    l叶澄; 张姗琪*; 李民健; 李智轩. 面向公共服务设施布局的优化模型与规划支持系统设计, 上海城市规划,2022(03):23-29.

    l邹思聪; 张姗琪*; 甄峰. 基于居民时空行为的社区日常活动空间测度及活力影响因素研究. 地理科学进展 2021, 40(4):580-596. (CSSCI/CSCD)

    l张姗琪; 甄峰; 罗桑扎西; 李智轩. 面向移动位置数据的移动性指标计算工具:设计实现与实践应用, 地理信息世界, 2020, 27(5): 83-89.

