基本信息 Basic Information
简介 Brief Introduction
南京大学城市与区域规划博士,美国明尼苏达大学访问学者,现为南京大学开元体育app 准聘副教授/特聘研究员、博士生导师。兼任中国地理学会城市地理专业委员会副秘书长、行为地理专业委员会委员,中国城市科学研究会城市大数据专业委员会委员,《经济地理》期刊青年编委,国家自然科学基金项目函评专家。
Ph.D. of Urban and Regional Planning of Nanjing University, Visiting Scholar from the University of Minnesota, USA, and now Associate Professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University. He is also the Deputy Secretary General of Commission on Urban Geography, the Geographical Society of China, and a member of Commission on Urban Big Data, the China Urban Science Research Association. Besides, he is a young editor of Economic Geography and review expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
He is mainly engaged in the research of urban mobility, smart city, urban and regional planning and other fields.
He has presided over and participated in more than 10 research projects such as National Natural Science General and Youth Foundation of China, Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Foundation, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, etc. He has published more than 60 academic papers in English and Chinese and edited 5 books. He has received scientific awards such as 8th Higher Institution Science Research Outstanding Achievement Award, Geographic Information Science and Technology Progress Award, Jin Jingchang China Urban Planning Outstanding Thesis Award, and Jiangsu Outstanding Master's Thesis Award.
目前承担课程 Courses
Undergraduate Programme: Urban Planning Implementation Evaluation
Undergraduate Programme: Urban Regional Economics
Undergraduate Programme: Urban Big Data and Smart Planning
Undergraduate General Education: "Light of science"— Intelligent Technology and Future cities
Postgraduate Programme: Introduction to Future Urban Research: Theory and Method
主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects
l国家自然科学基金面上项目. 都市圈空间结构优化的形流互动机制与调控策略研究,42471245, 45万, 2025-2028.(负责人)
2025-2028, National Natural Science General Foundation of China, The form-flow interaction mechanisms and regulation strategies for spatial structure optimization of urban metropolitan area. (Director)l国家自然科学基金面上项目. 移动互联网应用对城市日常生活服务供需匹配影响机理研究, 42071202, 55万, 2021-2024.(负责人)
2021-2024, National Natural Science General Foundation of China, Research on the influence mechanism of mobile Internet applications on the supply and demand matching of urban daily life services. (Director)
l国家自然科学基金青年项目. 居民线上线下消费活动互动作用及其对城市商业空间的影响机理研究, 41701178, 24万, 2018-2020. (负责人)
2018-2020, National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China, Research on the interactive role of residents' online and offline consumption activities and its influence mechanism on urban commercial space. (director)
l国家社科基金重点项目. 综合承载和资源优化配置能力评估与提升策略研究, 20AZD040, 35万, 2020-2022. (项目骨干)
2020-2022, National Social Science Foundation of China, Research on Evaluation and Promotion Strategy of Comprehensive Carrying Capacity and Optimized Resource Allocation. (Member)
l中央高校基本科研业务费资助(国际交流). 即时配送购物对社区零售业空间影响及规划应对策略,13万,2020. (负责人)
2020, Central Universities Fundamental Research Funds (International Exchange), The impact of Real-Time Distribution Shopping on the Space of Community Retail Industry and the Planning Countermeasures. (Director)
l江苏省自然科学青年基金项目. 电子商务对城市居民行为活动影响及空间效应研究——以南京为例, BK20170639, 20万, 2018-2020. (负责人)
2018-2020, Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Youth Fund Project, Research on the Impact of E-Commerce on Urban Residents' Behavioral Activities and Spatial Effects - Taking Nanjing as an Example. (Director)
l中国博士后科学基金. 网上银行对城市居民行为活动影响及空间效应研究, 2016M600393, 8万, 2017-2018. (负责人)
2017-2018, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project, Research on the Impact of Online Banking on Behavioral Activities of Urban Residents and Spatial Effects. (Director)
l江苏省社科联课题. 江苏省域城乡融合发展研究, 21SSL116, 3万,2021-2022. (负责人)
2021-2022, Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Philosophy and Social Sciences Project, Research on the Development of Urban-Rural Integration in Jiangsu Province. (Director)
l国家自然科学基金面上项目. 基于大小数据结合的城市居家养老生活质量与邻里环境关系研究, 41671154, 69.8万, 2017-2020. (项目成员)
2017-2020, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on the Relationship between the Quality of Life of Urban Home-Based Elderly Care and the Neighborhood Environment Based on the Combination of Big and Small data. (Member)
l国家自然科学基金面上项目. 城市居民网络在线活动对城市空间的影响机理及其效应研究, 41571146, 75万, 2016-2019. (项目骨干)
2016-2019, National Natural Science General Foundation of China, Research on the Influence Mechanism and Effect of Urban Residents' Online Activities on Urban Space. (Member)
l国家重点科技研发计划项目. 智慧城镇综合管理技术集成与应用示范, 2015BAJ08B01,2015-2017. (项目成员)
2015-2017, National Key Technologies R & D Program of China, Integration and Application Demonstration of Intelligent Town Comprehensive Management Technology. (Member)
l江苏省科技厅社会发展计划项目.小城镇建设科技示范工程, SBE2015710009, 300万,2015-2018. (项目骨干)
2015-2018, Social Development Plan Project of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Small Town Construction Science and Technology Demonstration Project. (Member)
l江苏省建设科技计划项目.智慧城市建设及运维模式研究, 2016JH09, 7万, 2016-2018. (第二负责人)
2016-2018, Jiangsu Provincial Construction Science and Technology Project, Research on the Construction and Operation mode of Smart City.(Second Director)
主要论著 Publications
l席广亮. 城市流动性与智慧城市空间组织. 北京:商务印书馆,2021. (本书获得国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助)
lXi Guangliang, one of editorial members. In Feng Zhen, Zhenjiang Shen edit. Full paper proceedings of international conference 2021 on spatial planning and sustainable development. SPSD press, 2021.
l甄峰, 席广亮, 魏宗财. 非洲城市化建设研究. 南京: 东南大学出版社, 2016.
lXi G L., Cao X Y., Zhen F. (2021) How does same-day-delivery online shopping reshape social interactions among neighbors in Nanjing?. Cities, 114: 103219 (SSCI,Q1, IF=5.835).
lLobsang T S., Zhen F., Zhang S Q., Xi G L., Yang Y. (2021) Methodological framework for understanding urban people flow from a complex network perspective. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(3): 04021020 (SCI, Q3, IF=2.000).
lHan L., Cheng Y., Cui Z., Xi G L. (2021) Optimal layout of tourist toilets using resilience theory: An empirical study on Dunhua City in ethnic region of China. Plos one, 16(5), e0251696 (SCI, Q2, IF=3.240).
lXi G L., Cao X Y., Zhen F. (2020) The impacts of same day delivery online shopping on local store shopping in Nanjing, China. Transportation Research Part A, 136: 35-47 (SSCI/SCI, Q1, IF=5.594).
lWang B., Loo B P Y., Zhen F., Xi G L. (2020) Urban resilience from the lens of social media data: responses to urban flooding in Nanjing, China. Cities, 106: 102884 (SSCI, Q1, IF=5.835).
lXi G L., Zhen F., Cao X Y., Xu F F. (2020) The interaction between e-shopping and store shopping: empirical evidence from Nanjing, China. Transportation Letters, 12:3, 157-165 (SCI/SSCI, Q2, IF=3.598).
lXi G L., Zhen F., He J L., Gong Y H. (2018) City networks of online commodity services in China: empirical analysis of Tmall clothing and electronic retailers. Chinese Geographical Science, 28(2): 231–246 (SCI, Q3, IF=2.892).
lHe J L., Zhang R Z., Huang X J., Xi G L*. (2018) Walking access distance of metro passengers and relationship with demographic characteristics: a case study of Nanjing metro. Chinese Geographical Science, 28(4):1-12 (SCI, Q3, IF=2.892).
lHe J L., Huang X J., Xi G L. (2018) Measuring urban metrics of creativity using a Grid-based Geographically Weighted Regression Model. Journal of Urban Planning and development, 144 (2):05018008 (SCI, Q3, IF=2.000).
lHe J L., Huang X J., Xi G L. (2018) Urban amenities for creativity: an analysis of location drivers for photography studios in Nanjing, China. Cities, 74(4): 310-319 (SSCI, Q1, IF=5.835).
lXi G L., Zhen F., Puel G., Fernandez V. (2017) Tempo-spatial Fragmentation of Leisure Activities and Its determinant Factors in the Information Age. Chinese Geographical Sciences, 27(1): 137-150 (SCI, Q3, IF=2.892).
lXi G L., Zhen F., Chang E Y. (2016) Measuring Urban Space of Flows in Information Era: Empirical Evidence from Nanjing, China. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 4(4): 42-57 (Scopus Indexed).
lZhen F., Cao X Y., Mokhtarian P L., Xi G L. (2016) Associations between online purchasing and store purchasing for four types of products in Nanjing, China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2566): 93-101(SCI, Q4, IF=1.560).
lXi G L., Zhen F. (2015) The spatial organization and planning of smart cities: a sustainable approach for urban development. In Pengjun Zhao edited Planning for sustainable cities: urban challenges, policy responses and research agenda. New Zealand:Wellington (Book Chapter).
lXi G L., Zhen F. (2013) Study on “Micro-Participation” of the City – Emergency Management in the Age of Micro-Blogging. Proceedings REAL CORP 2013 Tagungsband, ISBN: 978-3-9503110-4-4. 20-23 May 2013, Rome, Italy: 851-861.
lZhen F., Wang B., Xi G L., Chen Y X. (2013) Research on China’s Urban Network Based on the Relations between Micro-Blog Users: a Case Study of Sina Micro-Blog. Proceedings REAL CORP 2013 Tagungsband, ISBN: 978-3-9503110-4-4. 20-23 May 2013, Rome, Italy: 779-792.
l席广亮,甄峰,钱欣彤. (2022) 流动性视角下的国土空间安全及规划应对策略. 自然资源学报,37(8): 1935-1945 (CSSCI/CSCD).
l席广亮,甄峰,钱欣彤,徐京天. (2022) 2021年智慧城市建设与研究热点回眸. 科技导报, 40(1):196-203 (CSCD).
l魏玺,席广亮﹡,甄峰. (2022) 商业体系与实际服务人口流动性耦合关系研究——以南京都市圈为例. 经济地理, (06),55-63+82 (CSSCI)
l钱欣彤, 席广亮﹡,甄峰. (2022) 线上和线下生活服务设施可达性及其协调关系——以生鲜果蔬店铺为例. 人文地理(CSSCI)
l甄峰, 徐京天, 席广亮﹡.(2021) 近十年来国内外城市地理研究进展与展望.经济地理, 41(10):87-96 (CSSCI).
l姚冲,甄峰,席广亮. (2021) 中国智慧城市研究的进展与展望. 人文地理,181(5): 15-23 (CSSCI).
l詹美旭,席广亮*.(2021) 面向全域全要素统一空间管制的市级国土空间规划编制探索.规划师, 37(10):34-40 (中文核心).
l席广亮, 甄峰, 傅行行, 沈丽珍. (2020) 2019年智慧城市研究与实践热点回眸.科技导报, 38(3):157-163 (CSCD).
l唐佳, 甄峰, 席广亮. (2020) 高铁走廊区域居民城际流动支撑体系优化策略研究——以沪宁高铁为例. 现代城市研究, (09): 31-39 (CSSCI).
l甄峰,张姗琪,秦萧,席广亮.(2019) 从信息化赋能到综合赋能: 智慧国土空间规划思路探索. 自然资源学报, 34(10):2060-2072 (CSSCI/CSCD).
l龚言浩, 甄峰, 席广亮, 韩青. (2019) 基于微信公众号文章的城市关注度等级与联系网络研究.现代城市研究, (04):69-75,131(CSSCI).
l钱前,甄峰,蔡玲,席广亮. (2019) 江苏省智慧城市(试点)建设验收标准编制模式与思路研究.规划师, 35(04):40-44 (中文核心).
l曹阳, 甄峰, 席广亮. (2019) 大数据支撑的智慧化城市治理:国际经验与中国策略. 国际城市规划, 34(03):71-77 (CSSCI).
l龚言浩, 甄峰, 席广亮. (2018) “一带一路”倡议关注与响应的空间格局研究——以新浪微博为例. 地域研究与开发, (2):29-35 (CSCD).
l沈丽珍, 席广亮, 秦萧, 汪侠. (2018) 基于快递物流测度的区域流动空间特征:以江苏省为例. 人文地理, (1):102-108 (CSSCI).
l席广亮, 甄峰, 罗亚, 赵未坤. (2018) 智慧城市支撑下的“多规合一”技术框架与实现途径探讨. 科技导报, 36(18), 63-70 (CSCD).
l席广亮, 甄峰, 曹晨, 罗桑扎西. (2018) 智慧城市建设模式与推进策略研究——以江苏省为例. 上海城市规划, (2): 91-95.
l席广亮, 甄峰, 罗桑扎西, 席晓东.(2018) 互联网时代特色小镇要素流动与产业功能优化—以浙江海宁皮革时尚小镇为例. 规划师, (1): 30-35 (中文核心).
l席广亮, 甄峰. (2017) 基于大数据的城市规划评估思路与方法探讨. 城市规划学刊, 233(1): 56-62 (CSSCI).
l李明巨, 甄峰, 张浩, 席广亮, 刘波. (2017) 江苏省城镇空间格局监测指标体系研究与实现. 地理信息世界, 24(5): 62-65.
l席广亮,许振东,葛文才,甄峰,席晓东. (2016) 生态文明视角下的“多规”空间优化布局研究——以泰州市姜堰区为例. 中国环境管理, (03): 30-34 (CSSCI).
l席广亮, 甄峰. (2016) 互联网影响下的空间流动性及规划应对策略. 规划师, (4):11-16 (中文核心).
l蹇嘉,甄峰,席广亮,翟青. (2016) 西方情绪地理学研究进展与启示.世界地理研究, 25(2):123-136 (CSSCI).
l席广亮, 甄峰. (2015) 过程还是结果?大数据支撑下的城市规划创新探讨. 现代城市研究, (1): 19-23 (CSSCI).
l席广亮, 甄峰, 张敏, 尹罡. (2015) 网络消费时空演变及区域联系特征研究——以京东商城为例. 地理科学, 35(11):1372-1380 (CSSCI/CSCD).
l甄峰, 席广亮, 秦萧. (2015) 基于地理视角的智慧城市规划与建设的理论思考. 地理科学进展, (04): 402-409 (CSSCI).
l甄峰, 秦萧, 席广亮. (2015) 信息时代的地理学与人文地理学创新. 地理科学, 35(1):11-18 (CSSCI/CSCD).
l席广亮,甄峰. (2014) 基于可持续发展目标的智慧城市空间组织和规划思考. 城市发展研究, 6:106-113 (CSSCI).
l席广亮, 甄峰, 汪侠, 秦萧. (2014) 南京市居民网络消费的影响因素及空间特征研究. 地理研究, 33(2):284-295 (CSSCI/CSCD).
l席广亮, 甄峰. (2014) 智慧城市建设推动新型城镇化发展策略思考. 上海城市规划, (5):26-29.
l熊丽芳, 甄峰, 席广亮, 朱晓清, 王波. (2014) 我国大三经济区城市网络变化特征——基于百度信息流的实证研究. 热带地理, 34(1): 34-42 (CSSCI).
l尹罡, 甄峰, 席广亮. (2014) 信息技术影响下城市休闲空间生产机理及特征演变研究. 地理与地理信息科学, 30(6): 121-124 (CSCD).
l席广亮, 甄峰, 李晓雨, 秦萧. (2013) 城市应急管理中的“微参与”:微时代城市管理的思考. 规划师, 29(2): 37-42 (中文核心).
l席广亮, 甄峰, 沈丽珍, 王波. (2013) 南京市居民流动性评价及流空间特征研究. 地理科学, 33(9): 1051-1057 (CSSCI/CSCD).
l魏宗财, 甄峰, 席广亮, 王波. (2013) 全球化、柔性化、复合化、差异化:信息时代城市功能演变研究. 经济地理, 04: 48-52 (CSSCI).
l马利波,席广亮,盖建,陈颖. (2013) 城市总体规划评估中的指标体系评估探讨. 规划师, 3: 75-80 (中文核心).
l王波, 甄峰, 席广亮, 钱前, 吴乘月, 张浩. (2013) 基于微博用户关系的网络信息地理研究——以新浪微博为例. 地理研究, 32(2): 380-391 (CSSCI/CSCD).
l席广亮, 甄峰, 魏宗财, 钱前. (2012) 南京市居民移动信息化水平及其影响因素研究. 经济地理, 32(9):97-103 (CSSCI).
l席广亮, 甄峰, 翟青, 王波. (2012) 新型城镇化引导下的西部地区县域城乡空间重构研究. 城市发展研究, 19(6): 12-17 (CSSCI).
l甄峰, 席广亮. (2012) 中国经济社会转型中城市化的质与量. 规划师, 28(7): 11-15 (中文核心).
l甄峰, 席广亮. (2012) 理论与实践高度融合的城市地理学——南京大学地理学科发展90周年回顾与展望. 人文地理, 27(3): 131-135 (CSSCI).
l沈丽珍, 甄峰, 席广亮. (2012) 解析信息社会流动空间的概念、属性与特征. 人文地理, 27(4): 14-18 (CSSCI).
lXi Guangliang,Urban Mobility and Spatial Organization of Smart Cities. Beijing: The Commercial press, 2021 (This book was supported by the National Science and Technology Academic Works Publishing Foundation)
lXi Guangliang, one of editorial members. In Feng Zhen, Zhenjiang Shen edit. Full paper proceedings of international conference 2021 on spatial planning and sustainable development. SPSD press, 2021.
lZhen F., Xi Guangliang, Wei Z C. Research on Urbanization Construction in Africa. Nanjing: Southeast University press, 2016.
lXi G L., Cao X Y., Zhen F. (2021) How does same-day-delivery online shopping reshape social interactions among neighbors in Nanjing?. Cities, 114: 103219 (SSCI,Q1, IF=5.835).
lLobsang T S., Zhen F., Zhang S Q., Xi G L., Yang Y. (2021) Methodological framework for understanding urban people flow from a complex network perspective. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(3): 04021020 (SCI, Q3, IF=2.000).
lHan L., Cheng Y., Cui Z., Xi G L. (2021) Optimal layout of tourist toilets using resilience theory: An empirical study on Dunhua City in ethnic region of China. Plos one, 16(5), e0251696 (SCI, Q2, IF=3.240).
lXi G L., Cao X Y., Zhen F. (2020) The impacts of same day delivery online shopping on local store shopping in Nanjing, China. Transportation Research Part A, 136: 35-47 (SSCI/SCI, Q1, IF=5.594).
lWang B., Loo B P Y., Zhen F., Xi G L. (2020) Urban resilience from the lens of social media data: responses to urban flooding in Nanjing, China. Cities, 106: 102884 (SSCI, Q1, IF=5.835).
lXi G L., Zhen F., Cao X Y., Xu F F. (2020) The interaction between e-shopping and store shopping: empirical evidence from Nanjing, China. Transportation Letters, 12:3, 157-165 (SCI/SSCI, Q2, IF=3.598).
lXi G L., Zhen F., He J L., Gong Y H. (2018) City networks of online commodity services in China: empirical analysis of Tmall clothing and electronic retailers. Chinese Geographical Science, 28(2): 231–246 (SCI, Q3, IF=2.892).
lHe J L., Zhang R Z., Huang X J., Xi G L*. (2018) Walking access distance of metro passengers and relationship with demographic characteristics: a case study of Nanjing metro. Chinese Geographical Science, 28(4):1-12 (SCI, Q3, IF=2.892).
lHe J L., Huang X J., Xi G L. (2018) Measuring urban metrics of creativity using a Grid-based Geographically Weighted Regression Model. Journal of Urban Planning and development, 144 (2):05018008 (SCI, Q3, IF=2.000).
lHe J L., Huang X J., Xi G L. (2018) Urban amenities for creativity: an analysis of location drivers for photography studios in Nanjing, China. Cities, 74(4): 310-319 (SSCI, Q1, IF=5.835).
lXi G L., Zhen F., Puel G., Fernandez V. (2017) Tempo-spatial Fragmentation of Leisure Activities and Its determinant Factors in the Information Age. Chinese Geographical Sciences, 27(1): 137-150 (SCI, Q3, IF=2.892).
lXi G L., Zhen F., Chang E Y. (2016) Measuring Urban Space of Flows in Information Era: Empirical Evidence from Nanjing, China. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 4(4): 42-57 (Scopus Indexed).
lZhen F., Cao X Y., Mokhtarian P L., Xi G L. (2016) Associations between online purchasing and store purchasing for four types of products in Nanjing, China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2566): 93-101(SCI, Q4, IF=1.560).
lXi G L., Zhen F. (2015) The spatial organization and planning of smart cities: a sustainable approach for urban development. In Pengjun Zhao edited Planning for sustainable cities: urban challenges, policy responses and research agenda. New Zealand:Wellington (Book Chapter).
lXi G L., Zhen F. (2013) Study on “Micro-Participation” of the City – Emergency Management in the Age of Micro-Blogging. Proceedings REAL CORP 2013 Tagungsband, ISBN: 978-3-9503110-4-4. 20-23 May 2013, Rome, Italy: 851-861.
lZhen F., Wang B., Xi G L., Chen Y X. (2013) Research on China’s Urban Network Based on the Relations between Micro-Blog Users: a Case Study of Sina Micro-Blog. Proceedings REAL CORP 2013 Tagungsband, ISBN: 978-3-9503110-4-4. 20-23 May 2013, Rome, Italy: 779-792.
代表作品 Works
l河北省自然资源厅,《河北省国土空间总体规划编制导则(试行)》,2020 (参与人员)
l海宁市规划局,海宁市城西新区功能策划及核心区城市设计,2014 (项目骨干)
主要国际展览 International Exhibition
l2021 第十二届园冶杯大学生国际竞赛优秀毕业论文三等奖(城乡规划与城市设计类)指导老师(1/1)
2021, Third Prize of Excellent Graduation Thesis in 12th Yuanye Awards for Students(Urban Planning and Urban Designing),instructor (1/1)
l2020 第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学),教育部 (5/5)
2020, Outstanding Achievement Award of 8th Higher Institution Science Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), Chinese Ministry of Education (5/5)
l2020 中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文F5000 (2/3)
2020,Top Article ES in Outstanding S&T Journals of China (Frontrunner 5000) (2/3)
l2020 入选年度经济学最具影响力学者(经济学一级学科)
l2019 中国城市地理优秀论文特等奖,中国地理学会 (3/4)
2019,Grand Prize of Excellent Papers on Chinese Urban Geography, the Geographical Society of China (3/4)
2018,Jin Jingchang China Urban Planning Excellent Paper Award, Urban Planning Society of China (1/2)
2018,Special Prize of Geoinformation Science and Technology Progress Award, China Association for Geographic Information System (27/35)
2016,Jin Jingchang Award for Outstanding Thesis on Urban Planning in China, Urban Planning Society of China (1/2)
2010,Outstanding Master's Thesis Award of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Education Department (1/1)