
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    王红扬  教授

    Prof. WANG Hongyang

    电话 Tel: +8625 8368 6227

    传真 Tel: +8625 8368 6002  

    电邮 Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    南京大学学士、硕士,英国利物浦大学博士。江苏省设计大师,法国东巴黎大学访问教授,中美富布赖特学者。现为南京大学开元体育app 教授,南京大学-东巴黎大学中法城市ž区域ž规划研究中心中方主任,南京大学-以色列理工学院中以规划创新中心中方主任。联合国人居署特别专家组专家,国际城市与区域规划师学会(ISOCARP)中国理事,《国际城市规划》编委,江苏省宏观经济学会常务理事。


    Bachelor and Master of Nanjing University, Ph.D. of University of Liverpool, UK. He is currently a professor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Nanjing University, the Chinese Director of the Nanjing University - University of Paris East Sino-French Urban Regional Planning Research Center, and the Chinese Director of the Nanjing University - Israel Institute of Technology Sino-Israel Planning Innovation Center. He is a Master Designer of Jiangsu Province, a Chinese-American Fulbright Scholar, a member of the Ad-hoc Expert Group for UN-Habitat International Guidelines for Urban and Regional Planning, a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP), a member of the Editorial Board of International Urban Planning, and an executive board member of the Society of Macro Economics of Jiangsu Province.

    His main research area includes planning philosophy and methodology (holistic philosophy and holistic planning), master planning, strategic planning, urban-rural integrated planning theory and methodology.

    He was the Chinese PI of the EU 7th Framework Project " Euro-China Urban and Regional Bi-continental research Scheme" (FP7-230824-ECURBS), and the General Rapporteur for the 53rd ISOCARP Congress (Portland, USA, 2017.10). His planning projects won many prizes including the 2012 ISOCARP Awards for Excellence. He is currently leading the UN-Habitat-Nanjing University Sustainable Development Planning Innovation Project.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    Undergraduate Programme: Principles of Urban and Rural Planning (4) Master Planning》、《Introduction to Classic Western Planning Literature


    Postgraduate Programme: Philosophy and Methodology of Urban and Rural Planning

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects


    2018-, Rizhao City Development Strategic Plan.


    2017-18, Jiaxing Nanhu District Development Strategy 2049 and Action Plan 2021.


    2016-17, Strategic Development Plan of Taizhou City.


    2016-, Dalian City Urban System Planning.


    2013-16, Shantou City Urban Master Plan.


    2011-12, Shantou City Development Strategic Plan.


    2010-11, Shijiazhuang Urban-Rural Integrated Planning.


    2010-11, Nanjing Jiangning District Urban-Rural Master Plan.

    l2009-13,Europe-China Urban and Regional Bi-continental Research Schemes (ECURBS), EU-FP7-230824.


    2008-10, Hunan Province Urban System Planning around Changzhutan.


    2007, Strategic Planning for Development of Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City.


    2006-08, Socialist New Rural Master Plan of Hainan Province.

  • 主要论著 Publications

    lWANG  Hongyang, SHI Nan. The Right to a Shared Future: From Global Habitat Movement to Critical Challenges for Urban  & Territorial Planning in Asia-Pacific. The 1st UN Habitat-NJU Sustainable Development Planning Innovation Forum and UN ESCAP-UN Habitat Expert Group Meeting on The Future of Asia Pacific Cities 2019 Report (Feb 27-28, 2019, Nanjing).

    lWANG  Hongyang. Atomism versus Holism: The Misunderstood Foundation of Sciences? Implications from Urban & Regional Planning. The 10th NGO-UNESCO International Forum “Science as Common Good of Humankind”(Nov 26-27, 2018, Moscow).

    lWANG Hongyang. Philosophy of Holism & Holistic Planning: From Shantou to General Planning Methodology. “Planning Methodologies in an Era of Accelerated Technological & Social Change: Towards the Centennial of Israel (2048) & New China (2049)”(April 30 - May 1, 2018, Technion).

    lWANG Hongyang. Habitat III, Antinomies in Planning & the Weltanschauung of Holism. “Habitat 40 Years: The Global Transformation & Chinese Reform of Urban & Territorial Planning”(May 20-21, 2017, Nanjing).

    l王红扬. 人居三、中等发展陷阱的本质与我国后中等发展期规划改革:再论整体主义. 《国际城市规划》,2017(1):1-25.

    WANG Hongyang, Habitat III, Nature of the Middle Development Trap and Chinese Planning Reform in Post-middledevelopment Period: The Second Essay on Holism, Urban Planning International, 2017(1): 1-25.

    l王红扬. 一部百年规划的真谛:规划的核心科学问题与整体主义规划. 伯纳姆、本内特(著),王红扬(译),《芝加哥规划》,译林出版社,2017:199-234.

    WANG Hongyang. The true meaning of a centennial planning: the core scientific issues of planning and holistic planning. Burnham, Bennett (ed.), Wang Hongyang (trans.), Chicago Planning, Yilin Press, 2017:199-234.

    l王红扬. 整体主义与空间的政治经济学的本质. 《国际城市规划》,2016(3):3-15.

    WANG Hongyang, Holism and the Fundamental of the Political Economy of Space: A Critical Review of Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China, Urban Planning International, 2016(3): 3-15

    l王红扬,钱慧,顾媛媛. 《新型城镇化规划与治理——南京江宁实践研究》,中国建筑工业出版社,2016.

    WANG Hongyang, QIAN Hui, GU Yuanyuan. Planning and Governance of New Urbanization - A Practical Study of Jiangning, Nanjing, China Construction Industry Press, 2016.

