基本信息 Basic Information
简介 Brief Introduction
南京大学学士、硕士,同济大学博士;荷兰乌特勒支大学、美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校访问学者。南京大学空间规划研究中心,执行主任。中国城市规划学会第三届“青年科技奖”获得者,国家注册规划师。兼任中国城市规划学会总体规划专业委员会委员、乡村规划与建设分会委员;江苏省城市规划研究会城镇化与空间战略研究专业委员会主任、江苏省乡村规划建设研究会乡村运营专业委员会主任;《国际城市规划》、《China city planning review》、《热带地理》杂志编委;《城市规划》、《城市规划学刊》等多份国内外专业杂志特约审稿人。主要研究方向为城乡规划理论与方法、城镇化与城乡发展机制等。迄今出版学术著作10余部。发表学术论文150余篇。主持国家自然科学基金4项,参与3项,主持规划项目多次获得国家、省级优秀城市规划设计奖。
Doctor of Tongji University, Bachelor and Master of Nanjing University. Visiting scholar in Utrecht University, Netherlands and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA . Executive director of Spatial Planning Research Center, Nanjing University. Winner of the third "Youth Science and Technology Award" of Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC). The National Registered Planner. He is a member of the Master Planning Specialized Committee and the Rural Planning and Construction Branch of the UPSC. He is the director of urbanization and Spatial Strategy Specialized Committee of Jiangsu Urban Planning Research Association, and the director of Rural Operation Specialized Committee of Jiangsu Rural Planning and Construction Research Association. He is an editorial board member of 《Urban Planning International》, 《China City Planning Review》 and 《Tropical Geography》. He is a special reviewer of many domestic and foreign professional Journals including《City Planning Review》and 《Urban Planning Forum》. His research fields include urban and rural planning theory and method, urbanization and urban-rural development mechanism. He has been published more than 10 academic books and over 150 academic papers until now. He presided over 4 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, participated in 3 projects of it. He won the national and provincial excellent urban planning and Design Awards for many times in presiding projects.
目前承担课程 Courses
lUndergraduate Programme:《Territorial spatial master Planning》、《Rural Development and Planning》
lPostgraduate Programme:《Rural Development And Revitalization Path Research》
主要获奖 Honors and Awards
l第17届江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖(二等奖). 江苏省人民政府,2023
l第九届“中国农村发展研究奖”专著提名奖. 中国农业经济学会、北京润生农村发展公益基金会,2023
l2015年度全国优秀城乡规划设计奖三等奖.武汉市新型城镇化规划. 中国城市规划协会
lThe Third China Urban Planning Youth Science and Technology Award, Urban Planning Society of China, 2017.
lThe 9th Award Nomination of Researth fo Rural China Development, China Rural Economics Society, Runsheng Rural development Fundation in Beijing, 2023
lThe 17th Outstanding Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Jiangsu Province (Second Prize), People's Government of Jiangsu Province, 2023
l2021 JIN Jinchang-China Urban Planning Excellent Thesis Award (Third Prize), Urban Planning Society of China, JIN Jinchang/Dong Jianhong Urban Planning Education Fund
l2018 JIN Jinchang-China Urban Planning Excellent Thesis Award (Excellent Work Award), Urban Planning Society of China, JIN Jinchang Urban Planning Education Fund
l2017 JIN Jinchang-China Urban Planning Excellent Thesis Award (Third Prize), Urban Planning Society of China, JIN Jinchang Urban Planning Education Fund
l2015 The Third Prize of National Excellent Urban&Rural Planning and Design Award, Wuhan New Urbanization Planning, China Association of City Planning
l2014 The First Prize of the 16th Excellent Engineering Design of Jiangsu Province. Research on Urbanization Development Strategy of Shandong Province. Department of housing and urban rural development of Jiangsu Province
l2013 The First Prize of National Excellent Urban&Rural Planning and Design, "Beautiful Hangzhou" action plan, China Association of City Planning
l2012 The First Prize of the 15th Excellent Engineering Design of Jiangsu Province. Research on Strategic Planning of Urbanization and Urban Development in Hubei Province. Department of housing and urban rural development of Jiangsu Province
主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects
l移动互联网时代城乡接合部空间重构的特征、机制与规划应对研究. 国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:52378059). 2024.01-2027.12
l电子商务推动的乡村城镇化特征、机制与规划应对研究. 国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:51878329). 2019.01-2022.12
l基于流空间的城镇发展战略分析方法与规划理论研究. 国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:51478216). 2015.01-2018.12
l武汉市新型城镇化战略规划. 武汉市国土资源和规划局,2014.7-2015.12
l山东省城镇化发展战略研究. 山东省住房和城乡建设厅,2013.6-2014.12
l多中心巨型城市区域的空间界定与演化研究——以长江三角洲为例. 国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:40901082). 2010.01-2012.12
lStudy on the Spatial restructuring Characteristics, Mechanism and Planning theory of Urban-Rural Fringe in Mobile Internet Era. National Natural Science Foundation of China (project approval No: 52378059). 2024.1- 2027.12
lStudy on the characteristics, mechanism and planning methodology of rural urbanization driven by E-commerce. National Natural Science Foundation of China (project approval No: 51878329). 2019.1- 2022.12
lStudy on urban the analysis methodology and planning theory of urban development strategy based on the space of flow. National Natural Science Foundation of China (project approval No: 51478216). 2015.01-2018.12
lWuhan new urbanization strategic planning. Wuhan Bureau of Land Resources and Planning, 2014.7-2015.12
lResearch on urbanization development strategy of Shandong Province. Shandong Province Department of housing and urban-rural construction, 2013.6-2014.12
lStudy on spatial definition and evolution of polycentric megacities: a case study of Yangtze River Delta. National Natural Science Foundation of China (project approval No: 40901082). 2010.01-2012.12
主要论著 Publications
l移动互联网时代城市新空间形成机制——以“外卖工厂”为例. 城市规划学刊,2022.4
l中国都市区行政区划调整——城镇化加速期以来的阶段与特征 .城市规划,2015.2
lTakeaway Factory: Formation Mechanism of New Urban Space in the Mobile Internet Era, Urban Planning Forum, 2022.4
lE-garden City:Reconstruction of Urbanization theory in Mobile Internet Era, City Planning Review, 2020.3
lNew Rural Development and Rural Revitalization Path in the Era of Moblile Internet, City Planning Review, 2019.10
lNew urbanization from below in China: Rural urbanization driven by E-commerce, City Planning Review, 2017.3
lStudy on the characteristics and micro-mechanisms of rural residents’ migration decision from the perspective of family: Based on the field survey in Wuhan, City Planning Review, 2016.7
lThe Evolvement of Urban and Rural Planning Knowledge in China in the Reform and Open-up Era, Urban Planning Forum, 2015.5
lAdministrative Division Adjustment in Metropolitan Areas of China:Stages and Characteristics in the acceleration period of urbanization, City Planning Review, 2015.2
lStudy on Development characteristics and trends of small town in the Global city-region: A Case Study on Yangtze River Delta, City Planning Review2013.1
lA Study on Buliding the Discipline of Urban and rural planning from the perspective of Scientific Transformation, Urban Planning Forum, 2012.2
lAnalysis of the Polycentric structure of Yangtze River Delta based on Passenger Traffic flow, Urban Planning Forum, 2011.1
代表作品 Works
l流乡村:移动网时代的中国城镇化. 江苏凤凰教育出版社,2022
l大变局中的小城镇:2021江苏省小城镇调查与思考. 江苏人民出版社,2021
l荷兰土地使用规划:原则与实践(译著) .东南大学出版社,2015
l《Village in Flows: Urbanization of China in Moblile Internet Era》,Phoenix Education Publishing, Ltd , 2022
l《Small Town in Great Change Era:The Investigation Report of Jiangsu’s small Towns in 2021》, Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2021
l《New Urbanization from Below: The Development and Governance of Taobao Villages in China》, Southeast University Press, 2020
l《The Spatial Analysis Methods in Urban and Regional Planning》, Southeast University Press, 2015
l《Dutch Land-use Planning: The Principles and The Practice 》, Southeast University Press, 2015
l《New China Urban & Rural Planning Throughts》, Southeast University Press, 2013
l《Polycentric Metropolises: experience from megacities in Europe(Translations)》, Southeast University Press, 2010
l《Chiese Metropolitan Development: from Decentralization to Polycentric Governance》, China Architecture& Building Press, 2007