
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    王潇 博士后研究员

    WANG Xiao, Postdoctoral Researcher

    Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    厦门大学软件学院数字媒体工程系工学学士,新闻传播学院广告系文学学士(双学位),香港科技大学工学院计算机科学与工程系理学硕士,香港城市大学创意媒体学院创意媒体博士,获得中国香港教育资助委员会(UGC)全额博士奖学金。现为南京大学开元体育app 博士后研究员。研究方向为以数字技术为支撑的人境交互与空间体验,探索建筑学与计算机科学、神经科学(脑科学)的交叉点。

    曾任香港城市大学应用计算和互动媒体中心 (Centre for Applied Computing and Interactive Media, ACIM) 神经设计实验室 (Neuro-Design Lab) 副研究员及技术总监、香港奥沙艺术基金会 (Osage Art Foundation) 特聘技术创意顾问。主持参与艺术与科技类研究项目18项,累计发表国际论文8篇,以创意及技术总监身份参与34次国际展览,4次获得过国内外国际奖项,其中包括国际电子艺术研讨会(International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA)、林茨电子艺术节(Ars Electronica Festival)、Siggraph Asia等。


    Dr Xiao WANG holds a PhD in Creative Media from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, a MSc in Information Technology from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and a B.Eng. in Digital Media Engineering and a BA in Advertising (Dual Degree) from Xiamen University. He was awarded the UGC Scholarship for his PhD, which was supported by the University Grants Committee from Hong Kong Government. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning in Nanjing University. His research interests lie in human-environment interaction and spatial experience supported by digital technology and HCI, exploring the intersection of architecture, computer science, and neuroscience (Brain-computer interaction).

    He served as associate researcher and technical director of the Neuro-Design Lab at the Center for Applied Computing and Interactive Media (ACIM) of City University of Hong Kong, and the specially appointed technical and creative consultant at Osage Art Foundation Hong Kong. He has hosted and participated in 18 art and technology research projects, published a total of 8 international papers, participated in 34 international exhibitions as a creative and technical director, and won 4 international awards, including the International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA), Linz Ars Electronica Festival, Siggraph Asia, etc.

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects

    l2023,数字媒体项目“Morphogenesis of Values”,主要参与者,负责项目的创意设计、信息可视化、交互设计及技术实现,本艺术项目获得香港民政事务局(HAB)艺术能力发展资助计划第十轮资助,由奥沙艺术基金会提交。展出于2023香港巴塞尔艺术展;

    l2019-2022,数字媒体项目 “Value of Values”,主要参与者,负责项目的创意设计、交互设计及技术实现,本艺术项目获得欧盟与香港研究资助局研究及创新合作计划(EC-UGC EU/HK)、应用计算和互动媒体中心(ACIM)研究基金的资助。展出于Asia Society Hong Kong(2022)、Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong(2021)、festival accès)s( #21 Billère, France(2021)、CADAF Online Art Fair(2020)、BAUHAUS 100 Macerata, Italy(2019)、Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei(2019)等;

    l2016-2018,数字媒体项目 “The Brain Factory”,主要参与者,负责项目的创意设计、交互设计及技术实现,本艺术项目获得应用计算和互动媒体中心(ACIM)研究基金的资助。展出于Microwave International New Media Arts Festival Hong Kong (2018)、Laval Virtual Art & VR Gallery, Laval, France(2018)、QUT (Queensland University of Technology) Art Museum, Brisbane, Australia(2017)、Ministry of Science, Seoul, KOREA(2016)等;

    l2017-2018,数字媒体艺术项目 “Just-Dig It!”及后续项目”边界挖掘者:南京大学-香港城市大学师生创作展”, 主要参与者,负责项目的人机交互设计、人因研究及技术实现,本艺术项目获得南京大学、香港城市大学及奥沙艺术基金会的资助。展出于南京大学、香港城市大学。

  • 主要论著 Publications

    lBenayoun, M., Anadol, R., WANG, X.. (2022). DïaloG, urban media installation, ISEA 2022 International Symposium on Electronic Arts, CCCB, MACBA, Barcelona, Spain.

    lBenayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., WANG, X.. (2022). Value of Values, Transactional Art on the Blockchain, Next World Forum, Four Seasons, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

    lBenayoun, M., Klein, T., Mendoza, N., WANG, X., & MAK, A.. (2019). Value of Values, ISEA 2019 International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Asia Culture Centre, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of..

    lBenayoun, M., Klein, T., Mondinos, N., WANG, X., & MAK, A.. (2019). ISEA 2019 X VoV IVO (Art project: Value of Values), Art Center Nabi, Seoul, Korea, Republic of..

    lBenayoun, M., Wang, X.. (2018). The Torch is now in our Hands, art installation, ACM Siggraph Asia, Tokyo, Japan

    lWang, X., Mak, A., & Yang, Q.. (2016). Open Sky Project: Open Sky Campus III, The Power of Growth), ISEA 2016 International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ICC Tower, Hong Kong, China.

    lWang, X., Mak, A., & Yang, Q.. (2016). Open Sky Project: Open Sky Campus III, Language in the Wonderland), ISEA 2016 International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ICC Tower, ICC Tower, Hong Kong, China.

