
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    窦平平 副教授

    Associate Prof. Pingping Dou

    电话 Tel: +86 258359 2090

    电邮 Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    东南大学建筑系学士,剑桥大学建筑系硕士、博士,曾任剑桥大学副研究员,谢菲尔德大学客座设计导师,现为南京大学开元体育app 副教授、硕士生导师。


    主持欧盟委员会伊拉斯谟项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、教育部留学人员择优资助项目、江苏省科技计划青年项目等。发表专著和学术论文三十余篇。担任顶级国际期刊AD (Architectural Design) 客座主编, Cambridge Journal of China Studies编委,诺丁汉大学校外评委,江苏省城乡规划院特聘设计师,LanD设计研究工作室创始人。获得紫金奖职业组金奖,江苏省土木建筑学会创作奖一等奖,指导学生获英国皇家建筑师学会主席奖铜奖等。

    B.A. in Department of Architecture from Southeast University, M.A. and Ph.D. in Department of Architecture from Cambridge University, former Associate Research Fellow at Cambridge University and Visiting Design Tutor at the University of Sheffield. She is currently an Associate Professor and Master’s supervisor at School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University.

    Pingping DOU is mainly engaged in the research of architectural design and its theory, future human living environment and adaptive spatial morphology.

    Pingping DOU is in charge of the Erasmus project of the European Commission, the project of Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the merit-based project of the Ministry of Education, the project supported by  Foundation for Selected Overseas Chinese Scholar, Ministry of Personnel of China. She has published more than thirty monographs and academic manuscripts. She is a guest editor-in-chief of the top international journal AD (Architectural Design), a member of the editorial board of Cambridge Journal of China Studies, a member of the external jury of the University of Nottingham, a guest designer of Jiangsu Urban and Rural Planning Institute, and the founder of LanD Studio. She was awarded the Gold Medal in the Professional Category of the Zijin Award, the First Prize of the Creative Award of the Jiangsu Civil Engineering and Architecture Society, and the Bronze Medal of the RIBA President's Award for her students.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    Architectural Design (3) (For Undergraduate of Architecture)


    Architectural Design (4) (For Undergraduate of Architecture)


    Technical Humanism in Architecture (Bilingual Course For the Master of Architecture)

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects


    Excellent Survey and Design Award of Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction System, First Prize, 2021.


    Excellent Engineering Design Award of Jiangsu Province, First Prize, 2021.


    Jiangsu Provincial Social Science Applied Research Excellence Project Award, First Prize, 2021.


    The 7th Zijin Award - Architectural and Environmental Design Competition (Professional Group), Gold Award, 2020.


    The 14th Jiangsu Civil Engineering and Architecture Society Architectural Creation Award, First Prize, 2020.

    l2016-2018,欧盟委员会伊拉斯谟项目(EU Erasmus+), Researching Architecture as Urban Method

    “Researching Architecture as Urban Method”, European Commission Erasmus+ project (EU Erasmus+), 2016-2018.


    “Environmental Design for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Yanqing Venue Facilities Construction Project”, China Architecture Design & Research Group, 2017-2018.


    “Research on the Optimization of Multi-factor Integrated Morphology of Energy-saving, Land-saving and Variable Housing”, Project supported by Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015-2017.

  • 主要论著 Publications



    lP. Dou, Y. Zhang (2019) "Hygiene and Residence" (Juzhai weisheng lun, 1880) and the Transition of Weisheng in Urban China, Cambridge Journal of China Studies, Vol.14, No.2, pp.17-30

    lChina Homegrown: Experimental Architectural Reborn, AD (Architectural Design), John Wiley & Sons, 2018

    lP. Dou (2018) Lost and Found: Reinventing Multi-Screen Adaptable Architecture, AD (Architectural Design), vol.88, 2018-6: 32-39 

    lP. Dou, A. Lu, L. Feng (2018) Gewu Workshop: Ten investigations on the immediate present, AD (Architectural Design), vol.88, 2018-6: 116-123 

    lA. Lu, P. Dou (2018) Responsive Experimentalism: Design Research as Experimental Architecture 3.0, AD (Architectural Design), vol.88, 2018-6: 6-15 

    l窦平平(2018)齐云山树影屋,《建筑学报》,2018-1: 26-29 

    l窦平平(2017)从“医学身体”到诉诸于结构的“环境”观念,《建筑学报》,2017-7: 15-22


    l世界绿色建筑设计/World Sustainable Construction (双语), 中国建筑工业出版社, 2008

    lStrategy and Procedure: Shading Design in Terrain Weather Protection System of National Sliding Centre for 2022 Olympic Winter Games, Architecture Technique, 2020-10: 90-93

    lLu, P. Dou (2020) Extreme versus Regular: Questions of New Human Habitat in Post-2020 Era, Architectural Journal, 2020-3+4: 28-33

    lP. Dou, Y. Zhang (2019) "Hygiene and Residence" (Juzhai weisheng lun, 1880) and the Transition of Weisheng in Urban China, Cambridge Journal of China Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 17-30

    lChina Homegrown: Experimental Architectural Reborn, AD (Architectural Design), John Wiley & Sons, 2018

    lP. Dou (2018) Lost and Found: Reinventing Multi-Screen Adaptable Architecture, AD (Architectural Design), vol. 88, 2018-6: 32-39

    lP. Dou, A. Lu, L. Feng (2018) Gewu Workshop: Ten investigations on the immediate present, AD (Architectural Design), vol.88, 2018-6: 116-123

    lLu, P. Dou (2018) Responsive Experimentalism: Design Research as Experimental Architecture 3.0, AD (Architectural Design), vol. 88, 2018-6: 6-15

    lPingping DOU (2018) Tree House M at Qiyunshan, Architectural Journal, 2018-1: 26-29

    lPingping DOU (2017) From Medical Body to a Structure-Related Concept of Environment, Architectural Journal, 2017-7: 15-22

    lPingping DOU (2015) Respond and Temper: Embodiment of Environmental Tectonics in Vernacular Industrial Architecture, Architectural Journal, 2015-8: 67-71

    lWorld Sustainable Construction (bilingual), China Construction Industry Press, 2008

  • 代表作品 Works


    Nanjing Institute of Creative Agriculture Rural Empowerment Centre, Gaochun District


    Double Berry Node, Lishui District


    Nanjing University Urban Renewal Workstation (Renovation of Historical Houses in Menxi), Nanjing


    Qi Yun Shan Forest Resort, Anhui


    City Unknown: Chinese Contemporary Architecture Image Archive, Shenzhen

