基本信息 Basic Information
简介 Brief Introduction
南京大学学士、硕士,荷兰乌特勒支大学博士,南京大学开元体育app 副教授、学科秘书、硕士生导师,“中以规划创新中心”执行主任、“中法城市区域规划科学研究中心”执行主任。
B.A., M.A. from Nanjing University and Ph.D. from Utrecht University.He is currently an Associate Professor, subject secretary and Master's Supervisor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, and the executive director of the "China-Israel Planning Innovation Center" and the Executive director of the "Sino-French Scientific Research Center for Urban Regional Planning".
FENG Jianxi is mainly engaged in the research of regional planning, strategic planning, industrial planning and healthy cities. Selected in the Ministry of Natural Resources Youth Science and Technology Talent project, Jiangsu Province "333" talent plan and "Innovative and entrepreneurial talent" plan, He served as the nomenclature writer of the Nomenclature Sub-Committee of Urban and Rural Planning of the National Science and Technology Nomenclature Examination Committee, the member of the World Transportation and Urban Spatial Structure, the member of the Healthy City Committee of the China Urban Science Association, the Academic Committee member of the Population Geography of the Geographical Society of China, and the Chinese Land Member of the Youth Working Committee of the Science Society, visiting researcher of Ali New Rural Research Center, etc. He has been invited to give keynote reports at domestic society meetings for many times.
FENG Jianxi has published more than 50 articles in first-class journals at home and abroad, including more than 20 SSCI papers, published a monograph in English, presided over 8 national and provincial scientific research funds, presided over and participated in more than 20 planning and design projects and researches. He won the first prize of Jiangsu Province Excellent Survey and Design Award, the second prize of Zhejiang Province Excellent Survey and Design Award, and the third prize of Liaoning Province Excellent Survey and Design Award.
目前承担课程 Courses
Housing and Community Planning (For Undergraduate of Urban and Rural Planning)
Urban and Regional Knowledge&Practice (For Undergraduate of Urban and Rural Planning)
Urban Social Areas and Social Surveys (For Undergraduate of Urban and Rural Planning)
Comprehensive Evaluation of Planning Projects (For Undergraduate of Urban and Rural Planning)
l开元体育app 研究生《研究方法》
Research Methodology (For Masters of SAUP)
主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects
“Research on the mechanism and comprehensive effect of built environment on health under the interaction of air pollution exposure and physical activity stress”, Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019-2022
“Research on the Spatial and Temporal Differences of Urban Residents' Travel-Activity Patterns under the Interaction of Built Environment and Haze”, Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015-2018
“Rizhao Urban Development Strategy Research”, crosswise project, 2018
“Industrial Topics of Land Spatial Planning in Zhengzhou”, crosswise project, 2018
“Dalian Township System Planning”, crosswise project, 2017
l2015, 住房和建设部科技项目《通过城市规划引导健康生活方式:城市建成环境对老年人体力活动影响分析》
“Guiding Healthy Lifestyles through Urban Planning: Analysis of the Impact of Urban Built Environment on Physical Activity of the Elderly”, Science and Technology Project of Ministry of Housing and Construction, 2015
主要论著 Publications
lFeng, Jianxi, Shuangshuang Tang, and Xiaowei Chuai. "The impact of neighbourhood environments on quality of life of elderly people: Evidence from Nanjing, China." Urban Studies55.9: 2020-2039(2018).
lFeng Jianxi. The Influence of Built Environments on the Travel Behavior of the Elderly in Urban China. Transportation and research part D Transport and Environment, 52,619-633 (2017)
lFeng Jianxi, Dijst Martin, Wissink Bart, Prillwitz Jan. Changing travel behaviour in urban China: Evidence from Nanjing, 2008-2011, Transport Policy, 53: 1-10 (2017)
l冯建喜, 汤爽爽, 杨振山. 农村人口流动中的“人地关系”与迁入地创业行为的影响因素[J]. 地理研究,, 35(1):148-162 (2016)
l牛方曲,方创琳,冯建喜*. 基于家庭区位需求的城市住房价格模拟分析,地理学报,71(10)1731~1740, (2016)
l冯建喜, 杨振山. 南京市城市老年人出行行为的影响因素[J]. 地理科学进展, 34(12):1598-1608(2015).
lFeng Jianxi, Dijst Martin, Wissink Bart, Prillwitz Jan. Elderly co-residence and the household responsibilities hypothesis: evidence from Nanjing, China. Urban Geography, 36(5): pp:757-776 (2015)
lFeng Jianxi, Dijst Martin, Wissink Bart, Prillwitz Jan. Understanding Mode Choice in the Chinese Context: The Case of Nanjing Metropolitan Area. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 105(3): 315-330 (2014)
lFeng Jianxi, Dijst Martin, Prillwitz Jan, Wissink Bart. Travel time and distance in international perspective: A comparison between Nanjing (China) and the Randstad (The Netherlands). Urban Studies, 50(14): pp: 2993-3010 (2013)
lFeng Jianxi, Dijst Martin, Wissink Bart, Prillwitz Jan. The impacts of household structure on the travel behaviour of seniors and young parents in China. Journal of transport geography, 30: pp:117-126 (2013)
lFeng Jianxi, Shuangshuang Tang, and Xiaowei Chuai. "The impact of neighbourhood environments on quality of life of elderly people: Evidence from Nanjing, China." Urban Studies, 55.9: 2020-2039(2018).
lFeng Jianxi. The Influence of Built Environments on the Travel Behavior of the Elderly in Urban China. Transportation and Research Part D Transport and Environment, 52, 619-633(2017)
lFeng Jianxi, Dijst Martin, Wissink Bart, Prillwitz Jan. Changing travel behaviour in urban China: Evidence from Nanjing, 2008-2011, Transport Policy, 53: 1-10 (2017)
lFeng Jianxi, Tang Shuangxiang, Yang Zhenshan. “Determinants of entrepreneurial behavior of rural migrants in urban society: From the perspective of ‘human-environment relationship’”[J]. Geographical Research, 35(1):148-162 (2016)
lNiu Fangqu, Fang Chuanglin, Feng Jianxi*. “Modeling urban housing price:The perspective of household activity demand”, Acta Geographica Sinica, 71(10) 1731~1740, (2016)
lFeng Jianxi, Yang Zhenshan. “Factors influencing travel behavior of urban elderly people in Nanjing. “ [J], Progress in Geography, 34(12):1598-1608 (2015).
lFeng Jianxi, Dijst Martin, Wissink Bart, Prillwitz Jan. Elderly co-residence and the household responsibilities hypothesis: evidence from Nanjing, China. Urban Geography, 36(5): pp:757-776 (2015)
lFeng Jianxi, Dijst Martin, Wissink Bart, Prillwitz Jan. Understanding Mode Choice in the Chinese Context: The Case of Nanjing Metropolitan Area. Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 105(3): 315-330 (2014)
lFeng Jianxi, Dijst Martin, Prillwitz Jan, Wissink Bart. Travel time and distance in international perspective: A comparison between Nanjing (China) and the Randstad (The Netherlands). Urban Studies, 50(14): pp: 2993-3010 (2013)
lFeng Jianxi, Dijst Martin, Wissink Bart, Prillwitz Jan. The impacts of household structure on the travel behaviour of seniors and young parents in China. Journal of Transport Geography, 30: pp:117-126 (2013)