
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    胡宏 副教授

    Associate Professor:HU Hong

    电邮 Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    南京大学城市规划专业学士、硕士,荷兰乌特勒支大学博士,美国宾夕法尼亚大学博士后,美国华盛顿大学访问学者,现为南京大学开元体育app 副教授,硕导。




    Dr. Hu received her Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Urban Planning from Nanjing University (China) and Ph.D. in Urban Geography and Spatial Planning from Utrecht University (the Netherlands). She was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania and a visiting scholar at the University of Washington. Dr. Hu is now an associate professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Nanjing University. Her research interests focus on low-carbon urban planning, multi-scale social-ecological systems, and environment-behavior-health coupling mechanism.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses

    · 城乡规划学专业本科生《城市与区域系统分析》

    Urban and Regional System Analysis (undergraduate class)

    · 中国大学慕课《探寻城市数字密码》

    Statistical Methods in Urban Planning


    · 建筑规划实验班(本科)《建筑与规划技术(二)》

    Technology in Architecture and Urban Planning(ModuleⅡ)

    · 国际硕士课程Theory and Practice of Healthy Cities (international postgraduate class)

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects

    · 2023-2026,国家自然科学基金面上项目《居住分异视角下社区空间形态对居民低碳行为与碳代谢影响及适应性减碳策略研究》 (项目负责人)

    National Natural Science Foundation of China “Residents’ low-carbon behaviors and carbon metabolism at urban neighborhood scale and adaptive carbon reduction strategies from the perspective of residential differentiation” (PI)


    · 2023-2025,国家重点研发计划《城市社区生态功能提升与智慧管理技术研发及应用》之课题二《城市社区水热过程调控与三维景观优化配置技术》(课题骨干)

    National Key R&D Program of China “Improving water and heat regulation processes with landscape configuration optimization technology at the urban community level from a 3-D perspective” (main participant)

    · 2017-2020,国家重点研发计划《人类活动对海岸带的生态影响机制及综合调控研究》(课题骨干)

    National Key R&D Program of China “The ecological impact mechanism and comprehensive regulation of human activities on the coastal zone” (main participant)

    · 2016-2018,国家自然科学基金青年基金《居住空间分异视角下建成环境对健康的影响研究》 (项目负责人)

    National Natural Science Foundation of China “Understanding the impacts of built environment on health from perspectives of residential spatial differentiation” (PI)

  • 主要论著 Publications

    · Hu, H., Xu, J., Zhang, X*. (2020) The role of housing wealth, financial wealth, and social welfare in elderly households' consumption behaviors in China. Cities. 96

    · Hu, H., Geertman, S., Hooimeijer, P. (2018) Market-conscious planning: a planning support methodology for estimating the added value of sustainable development in fast urbanizing China. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 11, pp. 397-413.

    · Hu, H., Xu, J., Shen, Q.*, Shi, F., Chen, Y. (2018) Travel mode choices in small cities of China: a case study of Changting. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 59, pp. 361-374.

    · 孔旻蔚, 胡宏*,张宏韫,杜思涵.2000—2020年长三角地区城市低碳竞争力时空演化[J].地理研究,2023,42(10):2713-2737.

    · 王颜,胡宏*,基于影响不对称分析的口袋公园使用满意度关键影响因子识别研究[J].中国园林,2023,39(11):104-110

    · 李可昕,胡宏*,赵慧敏. 基于适应性循环理论与PSR框架的区域社会生态系统演进研究[J].生态学报,2022

