基本信息 Basic Information
华晓宁 副教授
HUA Xiaoning
Associate Professor
Tel: +86 25 8359 7205
Tel: +86 25 8359 5673
Email: [email protected]
简介 Brief Introduction
东南大学建筑系学士、硕士、博士,同济大学博士后,意大利佛罗伦萨大学访问学者,现为南京大学开元体育app 副教授、院长助理、建筑系主任、硕士生导师。
B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in Department of Architecture from Southeast University, Postdoctoral Fellowship from Tongji University and Visiting Scholar from University of Florence in Italy.
HUA Xiaoning is mainly engaged in research on architectural design and its theory, sustainable urban and rural landscape, urban and rural spatial morphology, etc.
HUA Xiaoning is in charge of one China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (General Program), one National Natural Science Foundation of China, two projects of postgraduate education and reform in Jiangsu Province, and participated in several provincial research projects. He has published dozens of monographs, translations, research and teaching papers. He has received the second prize of National Excellent Survey and Design Award and the first prize of Jiangsu Excellent Survey and Design Award. He has guided students in achieving various honours in relevant competitions and contests both domestically and internationally.
目前承担课程 Courses
Architectural Design (3) (For Undergraduate of Architecture)
Urban Design Studies (For the Master of Architecture)
Theory and Methods of Landscape Urbanism (For the Master of Architecture)
主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects
l2018, 江苏省建设系统科技项目《江南传统民居营建特色体系研究》
"Research on the Construction Characteristics of Traditional Dwellings in Jiangnan", Jiangsu Province Construction System Science and Technology Project, 2018
“A Landscape Urbanism Approach to the Generation and Operation of Urban Form in the Rapid Urbanization of Southern Jiangsu”, Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011-2013
“Research on the Theory and Practice of ‘landscape Urbanism’ in Contemporary Architecture and Urban Design”, First-class Project supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (General Program), 2007-2009
主要论著 Publications
lSystem construction of urban landscape infrastructures for rainwater management: Nanjing as a case study, Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 2016,11
From Land Art to Land Architecture, Arts Criticism, 2010, 5.
l《整合于景观的建筑设计》,华晓宁 著,东南大学出版社,2009.
Architectural Design Integrated in the Landscape, by Hua Xiaoning, Southeast University Press, 2009.
Restudy Parc de la Villette: The First Project of Landscape Urbanism, Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2009, 25.
Contemporary Concept of Landscape Urbanism and Its Practice, Architectural Journal, 2009, 12.
主要社会兼职 Professional Affiliations
· 江苏省勘察设计行业协会建筑创作工作委员会秘书长
Secretary General of Jiangsu Province Survey and Design Industry Association Architectural Creation Working Committee
· 江苏省土木建筑学会建筑创作(建筑师学会)专委会委员
Member of Professional Committee of Architectural Creation (Institute of Architects), Jiangsu Civil Engineering and Architecture Society
· 中国建筑学会立体城市与复合建筑专委会委员
Member of Professional Committee of the China Architecture Society for 3D Cities and Composite Buildings
Youth Editor of China Ancient City
Editor of Architectural Design and Research
代表作品 Works
(首届江苏省中青年建筑师建筑创作奖评选”实施工程类一等奖)Yancheng City Youth Activity Centre
(The First Prize of Jiangsu Province Young and Middle-aged Architects Architectural Creation Award" in the category of Implementation Engineering)
Nanjing University Science Center 1-6# Building
(Second Prize of National Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Industry Award in 2015)
(First Prize of Excellent Survey and Design Award of Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction System in 2014)