
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    冷天 副教授

    Associate Prof. LENG Tian

    电话 Tel: +86 25 8359 7353

    传真 Tel: +86 25 8359 5673

    电邮 Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    华中科技大学开元体育app (原武汉城市建设学院规建系)学士,东南大学建筑学院硕士,南京大学建筑学院博士,首届故宫学与古代建筑营造讲习班学员,首届亚洲遗产管理学会实地培训班学员,美国宾夕法尼亚大学访问学者。江苏省文化艺术科学技术协会文物保护技术专业委员会常务理事,南京历史文化名城委员会理事,现任南京大学开元体育app 副教授。



    B.A. in Department of Architecture from Huazhong University of Science and Technology; M.A., School of Architecture, Southeast University and Ph.D. in Department of Architecture from Nanjing University.

    LENG Tian, was a participant in the first workshop on Forbidden City Studies and the Creation of Ancient Architecture, a participant in the first field course of the Asian Society for Heritage Management, and a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the executive director of the Cultural Relics Protection Technology Committee of Jiangsu Culture and Arts Science and Technology Association, the director of Nanjing Historical and Cultural City Committee, and currently an associate professor at School of Architecture and Urban Planning in Nanjing University.

    LENG Tian is mainly engaged in research on the history and culture of modern architecture and the renovation and renewal of historical architectural heritage.

    LENG Tian presided over one National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) project, participated in three NSFC projects, published more than 20 papers, published one textbook, and participated in two edited and translated books. He has been in charge of more than ten projects of renovation and renewal of historical buildings, and has won 6 provincial and ministerial design awards and 11 teaching awards from the Specialized Committee.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    Architecture Design 1 (undergraduate class)


    Architecture Design 2 (undergraduate class)


    History of Chinese Architecture(Modern) (undergraduate class)


    Principles of residential area planning and residential building design (undergraduate class)

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects

    l2016-2019  基于设计和建造双重视角下的“传统复兴”式大学校园历史性建筑保护和更新策略研究(主持人),国家自然科学基金(面上项目)

    A Study on Preservation and Renewal Strategies of Historic Buildings on University Campuses Based on the Dual Perspective of Design and Construction. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51578275, 2016-2018) (PI)

    l2015-2017 中国古典式样新建筑的“形式与材料关系”再研究(第2参与人),国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目)

    A Re-study of the "Form-Material Relationship" in the New Architecture of Chinese Classical Styles. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51408301, 2015-2017) (PI)

    l2014-2015 利济巷地块可行性研究,南京壹城建设集团有限责任公司

    Feasibility study for the Liji Lane area. Nanking Yi Cheng Construction Group LLC (2014-2015) (PI)

  • 主要论著 Publications

    l冷天. 金陵大学校园空间形态及历史建筑解析. 建筑学报. 2010(2)
    lLENG Tian, Object Based Representation(本体与再现). Kivinavetat Finn Vernadoc, 2009-Kivinavettakinkerit, M-Print Oy, Vilppula. 2010

    l冷天. 得失之间——从陈明记营造厂看中国近代建筑工业体系之发展. 世界建筑. 2009(11)

    l冷天、赵辰. 原金陵大学老校园建筑考. 东南文化. 2003(3)

    lLENG Tian, Analysis of the Campus Spatial Form and Historic Building Style of the University of Nanking. Architectural Journal. 2010(2)

    lLENG Tian, Object Based Representation. Kivinavetat Finn Vernadoc, 2009-Kivinavettakinkerit, M-Print Oy, Vilppula. 2010

    lLENG Tian, Pain In Styles, Gain In Tectonic: A Study on the Development of Modern Building System of China, through a case of ‘ Chen Ming Ji ‘ Construction Company. World Architecture. 2009(11)

    lLENG Tian, Zhao Chen, A Study on the Old Buildings in the Schoolyard of the University of Nanking. Southeast Culture. 2003(3).

  • 代表作品 Works


    Nanjing Liji Lane Comfort Station Exhibition Hall


    Restoration of the Embassy of the Netherlands in the Republic of China

