
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    杨舢  副研究员

    Research Associate Professor YANG Shan

    电邮 Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    武汉大学建筑系学士、同济大学建筑系硕士、慕尼黑工业大学建筑系博士(magna cum laude),南京大学开元体育app 博士后,现为南京大学开元体育app 副研究员。




    Bachelor of Architecture from Wuhan University, Master of Architecture from Tongji University, Magna cum Laude from the Department of Architecture, Technische Universität München, Postdoctoral Fellow of school of architecture and urban planning of Nanjing University, and currently associate researcher, School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Nanjing University.

    He is mainly engaged in urban design methodology, public space and spatial publicness, vernacular architecture and everyday space, spatial production theory, and other fields.

    He has presided over 1 project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 project of Nanjing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, and participated in 2 National Natural Science projects and 1 Provincial Natural Science project. He has published 2 monographs, 1 translation, and more than 20 research papers.

    He works as the referee for Urban Planning International, the evaluation expert for NNSFR, and the guest editor for the special issue “Rereading The Production of Space” (Urban Planning International, 2021, 03).

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    Architectural Design (for undergraduate students majoring in urban and rural planning)


    Research on Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation (for postgraduate students majoring in urban and rural planning)


    Urban Sociology (for postgraduate students majoring in architecture and planning)

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects


    National Natural Science Foundation of China, " Research on Progress- & Use-Oriented, Multiple-Subject-Influence Urban Design Methodology and Strategies of ‘Interim Use’ of Urban Space — Taking the Big Cities in Yangtze River Delta as Examples " (2019-2022)

    l2019-2020,汕头澄海自资局/汕头澄海月窟村, 《澄海东里月窟乡村建设规划》

    Chenghai Natural Resource Buro, Shantou, "Developmental Planning of Yueku Village, Zhanglin Town, Guangdong Province" (2019-2022)


    Nanjing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, "Research on New Industrial Growth Space and Implementation Strategy of Nanjing Collaborative Urban Spatial Innovation and Upgrading" (2016-2017)


    Bizhou Village Committee, "Developmental Planning of Bizhou Village, Juxi Town, Fujian Province" (2016-2017), Bizhou was selected as the 11th batch of National Historical and Cultural Villages

  • 主要论著 Publications

    l“樟林社区与樟林古港复原调研” ,《小城镇建设》, 2022, 05.

    l“‘总体性’与‘开放性’的延续——再读《空间的生产》导读”, 《国际城市规划》,2021,06.

    l“‘空间生产’ 话语在英美与中国的传播历程及其在中国城市规划与地理学领域的误读”, 《国际城市规划》,2021,06.

    l“欧洲住宅合作设的历史流变与当今实践”,《建筑师》, 2021, 06.

    l“‘空间生产’话语的传播历程与在中国城市规划领域的误读”,重思日常生活批判:第二届列斐伏尔思想学术研讨会 / 南京大学 2020.

    l《社会与空间:德国城市建筑的历史流变与当代实践》,杨舢 著,天津大学出版社,2019.

    l《住宅形式与文化》,阿莫斯·拉普卜特 著, 杨舢 译,天津大学出版社,2019.

    l“从建筑自治到集体价值: 与伯格维施事务所关于瓦格尼斯阿特的对话”,《建筑师》,2019,197.

    l“From Diversity to Porosity”,in Porous City: From Metaphor to Urban Agenda, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2018.


    l“宗族传统与产权制度作为南方传统村落复兴的动力与阻碍”,  2017建成遗产:一种城乡演进的文化驱动力国际学术研讨会 / 同济大学. 2017.4.7-2017.4.10

    l“Landscape Architecture: A Response to Urban Regeneration under Shrinkage Challenge: A Case Study of Dalian”, APSA2017: Reshaping Urban and Rural Development Through Planning, Tsinghua University, 2017.

    l“The Role of Urbanity in the Entrepreneurship of the University Neighborhood: A Case Study of Two NJU Campuses ”, The 10th Conference of the International Urbanism (IFoU), The Chinese University of Hongkong, 2017.

    lInvestigation into Shanghai Spatial Publicness: An Alternative Discourse on Public Space and Its Urbanistic Manifestation,YANG Shan,Weimar Bauhaus Universität Verlag,2017.

    l“程序概念的变迁及程序式策略的研究”,《建筑学报》,2016(S1) .




    l“Investigation into Zhanglin Community and the Restoration of Zhanglin Ancient Port”, Development of Small Cities & Towns, 2022, 05.

    l“To keep ‘Totality’ and ‘Openness’: An Introduction of the Specia Issue ‘Rereading The Production of Space’”, Urban Planning International, 2021, 03.

    l“Dissemination of ‘the Production of Space’ in the Context of Anglo-Saxondom and China and Its Misreading in the Fields of Chinese Urban Planning and Geography”, Urban Planning International, 2021, 03.

    l“The Historical Development and Current Practices of European Housing Cooperative”, The Architect, 2021, 03.

    l“Dissemination of ‘the Production of Space’ and Its Misreading in Chinese Urban Planning”, Rethinking the Critique of Everyday Life: The Second Symposium of Lefebvre Thought, Nanjing University, 2020.

    lThe Social and Space: The History and Contemporary Transition of German Urban Architecture, by YANG Shan, Tianjin University Press, 2019.

    House Form and Culture, by Amos Rapport, translated by YANG Shan, Tianjin University Press, 2019.

    l“From Architectural Autonomy to Collective Values: A Conversation with bogevischs buero about wagnisART”, The Architect, 2019, 197.

    l“From Diversity to Porosity”, in Porous City: From Metaphor to Urban Agenda, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2018.

    l“Development and Research of Interim Use: An Innovative Perspective for Urban Study”, Urban Planning International, 2018, 12.

    l“The lineage Tradition and Ownership System as the Drive and Obstacle for Rejuvenating the Southern Chinese Village”, Built Heritage: A Cultural Motivator for Urban and Rural Development, Tongji University, 2017.

    l“Landscape Architecture: A Response to Urban Regeneration under Shrinkage Challenge: A Case Study of Dalian”, APSA2017: Reshaping Urban and Rural Development Through Planning, Tsinghua University, 2017.

    l“The Role of Urbanity in the Entrepreneurship of the University Neighborhood: A Case Study of Two NJU Campuses”, The 10th Conference of the International Urbanism (IFoU), The Chinese University of Hongkong, 2017.

    lInvestigation into Shanghai Spatial Publicness: An Alternative Discourse on Public Space and Its Urbanistic Manifestation, by YANG Shan, Weimar Bauhaus Universität Verlag, 2017.

    l“Outlining the Conceptual Changes of Program and the Programmatic Strategy”, Architectural Journal, 2016 (S1).

    l“The Principle of Atmosphere and the Construction of Architectural Atmospheres”, The Architect, 2016, 181.

    l“Outlining the Construction of German Greenery and Open Spaces”, Information of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction, 2016, 06.

    l“The Scene City: Theatre and Public Space”, The Architect, 2015, 173.

  • 代表作品 Works

    l浙江省台州市江北新区概念规划及沿江片区城市设计国际方案征集竞赛(与法国夏邦杰建筑师事务所合作), 2020

    Conceptual Planning and Urban Design of Jiangbei New District (Cooperation with ARTE Charpentier Architectes), Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, 2020.

    l山东省日照市城市发展战略研究, 2019.

    Strategic Planning for Urban Development, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, 2019

    l山东省枣庄市新旧动能体系转换下的城市发展战略研究, 2018.

    Strategic Planning for Urban & Rural Development, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, 2018.


    CCP Educational Base, Ali, Tibet, 2018.

    l广东省汕头市中以(汕头)科技创新合作区发展战略规划, 2017.

    Strategic Planning of the Sino-Israel Cooperation Zone(Shantou)for Sci-tech Innovation, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, 2017

    l江苏省常州市金坛区儒林镇旧城更新与新镇区城市设计, 2016.

    Urban Design for Old Town Regeneration and New Town, Rulin Town, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, 2016.


    Tibet Ali Party Spirit Education Base


    Urban Design of the Area along the Yangtze River in Jiangbei New District, Taizhou

