
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    Postdoctoral Researcher ZHAO Xiaoxin

    Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    曾获国家留学基金委公派留学项目与昆士兰大学优秀国际生奖学金资助攻读博士学位,同时担任昆士兰大学建筑理论与历史评论中心(ATCH)研究员;现为南京大学开元体育app 博士后研究员,并入选“南京大学毓秀青年学者计划”与“江苏省博士后日常资助计划”(现更名为:江苏省卓越博士后计划),同时担任开元体育app 国际留学生项目负责人与南雍建筑展览馆馆务执行人。

    主要从事建筑遗产管理与可持续社区、中国传统木构建筑、建筑文化与教育等领域的研究。曾参与多项澳洲政府-高校合作项目以及澳洲联邦科学工业研究组织CSIRO的合作研究项目。在国内外重要学术期刊和学术会议中发表与建筑遗产与建筑文化主题相关的论文二十余篇,主持多项国家级、省部级与中央高校科研基金项目,并曾受邀担任国际建筑学期刊《Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering》的论文审稿人。

    Zhao has obtained his doctor degree by the supported of China Scholarship Council and the University of Queensland (UQ) International Student Scholarship. He has also been employed as the casual researcher at the Centre of Architecture Criticism Theory History (ATCH) affiliated with the School of Architecture in UQ. Now, he is a postdoctoral research fellow awarded with “Yuxiu Young Scholars Program of Nanjing University” and “Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Living Allowance” (Now called “Jiangsu Excellent Postdoctoral Program”). He is also appointed as the oversea postgraduate coordinator at School of Architecture and Urban Planning and the executive curator of Nanyong Exhibition Hall of Architecture.

    His research interests focus on architectural heritage management and sustainable community, traditional architecture in timber framework, architectural culture and education. Zhao has published over twenty journal and conference papers on architectural culture and architectural heritage, and presided over several national and provincial research fund. Zhao has also been invited as a reviewer for the Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering.

  • 教育经历 Education Background

    ·2016-2020   PhD in Architectural Heritage Management (University of Queensland)

    澳大利亚昆士兰大学 · 博士

    ·2012-2015   Master of Architecture (Nanjing University)

    南京大学 · 建筑学硕士

    ·2007-2012   Bachelor of Architecture (Suzhou University of Science and Technology)

    苏州科技大学 · 建筑学学士

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    ·Design Basics


    ·History of Chinese Architecture


    ·Survey and Drawing of Historic Architecture


    ·Graduation Design/Thesis


    ·Cognition of Historic Architecture in China (in English)

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects

    ·2023-2025   Research on the Influence Mechanism of Heritage Management on the Vitality of Historic Areas and Their Communities from the Perspective of Configuration (Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China)


    ·2022-2024   A Study on Exhibition and Utilization of Digitized Historic Towns along the Grand Canal (General Projects of Philosophy and Social Science Research at Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province)


    ·2022   Comparative Study on Traditional Architecture and Its Modernised Process in Asia-Pacific Regions (the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities)


    ·2021-2023   Research on Visualized Value Evaluation Approach and Its Application on Industrial Communities at Urban Fringe Area (Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research Funds)


  • 主要论著 Publications

    ·      2022   Zhao, X., Leng*, T., Wang, Y., & Chao, S. (2022). An enlightening sacrifice: Discovering an anonymous building on the campus of Nanjing University in China. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 00(00), 000-000. (SCI/A&HCI)


    ·      2022   Zhao, X., Han*, Y. (2022). Hot Modernism:Analysis on the Features and Philosophy of Queensland Subtropical Architecture. Jianzhushi [The Architect], (03): 013–023.

    赵潇欣, 韩艺宽*. 温热现代主义:昆士兰亚热带建筑特征与思想初探[J]. 建筑师, 2022(03): 013–023.


    ·      2021   Zhao, X., Marnane*, K., & Greenop, K. (2021). The role of digital technologies in recording values of human settlements: testing a practical Historic Urban Landscape approach in China and India. Digital Creativity, 32(4), 253–274. (A&HCI)


    ·     2020   Zhao, X. (2020). Game of capitals: The production of influential online architecture. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 9(3): 670–680. (A&HCI)


    ·     2020   Zhao, X., & Yao, X., Yang, D. (2020). From urban to rural: Architects’ practices in “Rural Revitalization” in China and sustainable community. Xiandai Chengshi Yanjiu [Modern Urban Research] 2020, 35(11): 76-82.

    赵潇欣, 姚鑫, 杨迪,. 从城市到乡村:“乡村振兴”背景下我国建筑师的实践转向与可持续社区模式讨论[J].现代城市研究, 2020, 35(11): 76-82. (CSSCI)


    ·      2019   Zhao, X., & Greenop, K. (2019). From ‘neo-vernacular’ to ‘semi-vernacular’: A case study of vernacular architecture representation and adaptation in rural Chinese village revitalization. International Journal of Heritage Studies 25(11). Routledge: 1128–1147. (SSCI/A&HCI)


    ·     2019   Zhao, X. (2019). Research on the oversea education background of the scholars in contemporary Chinese architecture schools. World Architecture, 2019, (06): 110-113.

    赵潇欣. 当前中国建筑院校师资海外教育背景研究[J].世界建筑, 2019(06): 110-113.


    ·     2018   Zhao, X. (2018). Research on construction techniques of the vernacular dwellings in north Fujian. Development of Small Cities and Towns, 2018, 36(12): 84-91.

    赵潇欣. 福建北部夯土-木构架乡土民居建造技艺研究[J].小城镇建设, 2018, 36(12): 84-91.


    ·     2018   Zhao, X., & Cheng, L. (2018). Discussion on rural revitalization: A case study of Wencun in Hangzhou. Modern Urban Research, (4): 23–29.

    赵潇欣, 程龙.简评批判地域主义的乡村振兴——以杭州市文村为例[J].现代城市研究,2018(04): 23-29. (CSSCI)


    ·     2018   Zhao, X. (2018). Tailiang or Chuandou? Classification of Chinese traditional timber structure: The principle of Chinese traditional timber framework (Part one). Huazhong Architecture, 36(6): 121–126.

    赵潇欣. 抬梁?穿斗?中国传统木构架分类辨析—中国传统木构架发展规律研究(上)[J].华中建筑,2018,36(06):121-126.


    ·     2015   Zhao, X. (2015). A study on the development process of the prototype of the traditional Chinese wooden framework on the basis of “Jian Jia”. Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.

    赵潇欣. 基于“间架”的中国传统木构架原型及其发展规律研究[D].南京大学,2015.

