
  • 基本信息 Basic Information


    WANG Jieqiong 

    Postdoctoral Researcher 

    Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction



    Ph.D. Architecture, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA

    Master of Architecture, Nanjing University, China

    Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture, Nanjing University, China


    WANG Jieqiong is interested in exploring how design can enhance the quality of urban life through interdisciplinary research on design theories and methodologies. Her primary focus is on cross-cultural comparative studies of contemporary urban spaces as infrastructure, alongside developing refined design methods for upgrading urban communities. She has been honored with the Postdoctoral Fellow of Excellence Award from Jiangsu Province and received funding from the National Natural Science Foundation. She has authored a variety of scholarly works, including monographs, edited books, and peer-reviewed papers.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    Undergraduate course: General History of Architecture



    Graduate course: Advanced Theories of Architectural and Urban Space



    Undergraduate course: Urban and Rural Perceiving and Practice

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects

    ·2025-2027, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,城市社区建成环境要素配置对社区健康行为的支持效应研究,主持

    Research on the supportive effect of the built environment and its configuration on residents’ health behavior in urban communities (NSFC, PI, 2025-2027)


    ·2020-2021, 密西根大学,小规模/初步研究项目基金,主要参与人

    Planning Beijing (Small Scale and Preliminary Project Grants, The U-M Office of Research, 2020-2021)

  • 主要论著 Publications

    ·王洁琼胡恒. 世界建筑史教学中的“关系”再现方法转向,建筑师, 2024 (forthcoming).


    ·王洁琼,胡恒. 全球市场与本土文化碰撞下的建筑学“体系”重构思考,建筑学报,2024, 670(09-11): 326-329.


    ·王洁琼,胡恒. 城市产业转型下的空间新问题,建筑学报, 2024, 670(09-11): 214-217.


    ·王洁琼,童滋雨. 老旧住区更新计算性设计教学探索,世界建筑导报,2024, 217:4-7.


    ·王洁琼,鲁安东. 中国建筑类高校前沿技术实验室研究与设计协同机制调研报告, 时代建筑, 2022, 186(04): 60-65.


    ·王洁琼鲁安东. 需求与类型——江浙地区蚕室建筑调研报告. 建筑学报, 2015, 563(08): 60-66.


    ·默里·弗雷泽(Murray Fraser),鲁安东,王洁琼. 当代设计研究名篇导读(上). 南京大学出版社, 2023.09.  


    ·Jieqiong Wang. Reimagining the City of Innovation: Villages-in-the-City, Architecture Biennales, and Modern City-Building. Springer Nature (forthcoming).


    ·Jieqiong Wang. Architecture biennales and gentrification: Exhibiting the Chinese urban villages. The 75th Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Annual Meeting, 2022.04.


    ·Jieqiong Wang, Robert Adams, and Mary-Ann Ray. Countering the biennialization of architecture in the Chinese urban village in Shenzhen. Proceedings of the 108th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Annual Meeting, 2020, 2: 893-901.


    ·Jieqiong Wang. From division to fusion: A transforming model of Chinese urban-rural inhabitation.” Agora Journal of Urban Planning and Design, 2016, 120-130.

