
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    丁沃沃 教授
    Prof. DING Wowo
    电话 Tel: +8625 8359 7205
    传真 Tel: +8625 8359 5673
    电邮 Email: dww@kysportapp.com

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    南京工学院(现东南大学)学士、硕士,并留校任教,后任东南大学建筑系教授。瑞士联邦苏黎世高等工业大学(ETH-Zurich)建筑系任客座助理教授,先后获Nachdiplom学位和工学博士学位。2000年任南京大学建筑研究所教授,副所长,2006-10任南京大学建筑学院院长,2011-17任南京大学开元体育app 院长。现为南京大学开元体育app 教授、学术委员会主任委员、博士生导师。1993年起享受国务院政府津贴,2011年获首批江苏省人民政府授予的江苏省建筑设计大师称号。



    DING Wowo received her Bachelor and Master degrees from Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University), where she stayed and taught, and later became a professor in the Department of Architecture at Southeast University. She was a visiting assistant professor at the Department of Architecture of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH-Zurich), where she received her Nachdiplom degree and Ph.D. degree in engineering. Now she is a professor, academic committee chairman and doctoral supervisor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Nanjing University. she has been receiving the government allowance of the State Council since 1993 and was awarded the title of Jiangsu Provincial Master Architect by the first batch of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government in 2011.

    Professor Ding is mainly engaged in the research of architectural design methodology, urban morphology theory, the correlation between urban morphology and urban physical environment.

    Professor Ding is also the director of the Urban Design Division of the China Famous Cities Committee of the Chinese Society of Urban Science, a member of the Architectural Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, a director of the Chinese Institute of Architecture, a deputy director of the Urban Design Branch of the Chinese Institute of Architecture, a deputy director of the Academic Committee on Environmental Behavior of the Chinese Institute of Architecture, a standing director of the Academic Committee on Architectural Criticism of the Chinese Institute of Architecture, and a director of the Urban Design Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Civil Engineering and Architecture Society. He is also the chairman of the Urban Design Committee of the Civil Engineering and Architecture Society of Jiangsu Province.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    Undergraduate Programme: 《Introduction to the Built Environment and Disciplinary Frontiers》


    Postgraduate Programme: 《Methodology of Urban Form and Design》

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects


    Green Building System for Inheriting Chinese Architectural Culture in Economically Developed Regions "Green Building Camping System for Inheriting Architectural Culture in Economically Developed Regions, National Key R&D Program, 2017-2020.


    Mechanism and Control of Urban Morphology and Urban Microclimate Coupling, Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016-2020.


    Research on Modeling Method of Urban Morphology Data Based on Urban Microclimate Environment, Doctoral Program of the Ministry of Education, 2013-2015.


    Quantitative Analysis and Key Indicators of Urban Spatial Material Form Based on Street Profile,  General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China,  2011-2013.

  • 主要论著 Publications

    l《城市设计理论与方法》. 中国建筑工业出版社. 2020.
    l《 Urban Morphology and the Resilient City 》. Nanjing University Press. 2017.
    l《cities in transition:power / environment / society 》. Rotterdam:nai010. 2015.
    l《建筑设计基础》. 中国建筑工业出版社. 2014.

    l《Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing_ Three Chinese Venues》. Mendrisio Academy Press. 2007.05 

    l《概念设计》. 清华大学出版社. 2006

    l《The Generation of a Village 》. ETH No.14406 2001.11

    l《欧洲现代建筑解析-形式的逻辑》. 江苏科学技术出版社. 1998

    lTheory and Methodology of Urban Design. China Architecture Industry Press. 2020.

    lUrban Morphology and the Resilient City‖. Nanjing University Press. 2017.

    lCities in transition: power / environment / society. Rotterdam: nai010. 2015.

    lFundamentals of Architectural Design. China Architecture Industry Press. 2014.

    lBeijing, Shanghai and Nanjing_ Three Chinese Venues‖. Mendrisio Academy Press. 2007.05

    lConceptual Design. Tsinghua University Press. 2006

    lThe Generation of a Village". ETH No.14406 2001.11

    lThe Analysis of Modern European Architecture - The Logic of Form. Jiangsu Science and Technology Press. 1998

  • 代表作品 Works


    New Hall of Suzhou Garden Museum


    Changjing Ancient Town Hall Conservation, Renewal and Expansion Project


    Main Building of Nanjing University Xianlin Campus


    Renovation of Astronomical Observatory and Design of New Museum of Nanjing University in Zhongshanling Scenic Area


    Taizhou Gaogang Chai Market Waterscape Block Phase I Project


    Urban Design and Research for the Core Area of Changting Historical and Cultural City

