
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    冯金龙 教授

    Prof. FENG Jinlong

    电邮 Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    东南大学建筑系硕士,南京大学开元体育app 教授、硕士生导师。





    Bachelor of Nanjing Institute of Technology; Master of Southeast University, Department of Architecture; Chairman of Nanjing University Architectural Planning and Design Institute Co. Professor and master's supervisor of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University.

    He is mainly engaged in the practice and research in the fields of architectural design and its theory, building construction technology, etc.

    He insists on front-line architectural design creation activities and presides over the design research and practice of major engineering projects. His completed works have won dozens of national and provincial and ministerial awards for excellent architectural engineering design.

    He is actively involved in the preparation of national and local architectural industry standards and design codes, and has published three academic monographs and more than ten academic papers and works in important domestic professional core publications.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    Undergraduate Programme: Materials and Construction

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects

    l2018-2022, Project of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, A Study on the Factors of Disaster Panic and Disaster Craze in China.

    l2018-2019, Ministry of Natural Resources Project, Construction and Implementation Evaluation Experience of Foreign Land Spatial Planning System and Monitoring Framework of Indicators at All Levels.

    l2015-2017, Project of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Research on the Construction and Management of Emergency Shelter Sites.

  • 主要论著 Publications



    l关于建构教学的思考与尝试,冯金龙、赵辰,《新建筑》 2005



    l单元到整体 重复到独特-南京理工大学基础实验教学楼设计,冯金龙,《建筑学报》2004


    l《城市.建筑一体化设计》 ,韩冬青、冯金龙著,东南大学出版社,1999
    l《欧洲现代建筑解析》 冯金龙、丁沃沃、张雷,江苏科学技术出版社,1999

    ll Fire Design Code for Commercial Buildings‖ Jiangsu Province Engineering Construction Standard, main drafter, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction, 2008

    lExperiments on teaching wood construction in architecture teaching, Feng Jinlong, Zhao Chen and Zhou Ling, World Architecture 2005

    lReflection and Practice upon the Teaching of Tectonics, New Architecture 2005

    lAdministration Center of Changzhou Panshi Cement Group, Feng Jinlong,  Architectural Journal 2005

    lExperiments on the Construction of Nanjing University, Zhao Chen, Feng Jinlong, Zhu Jingxiang and Zhou Ling, Southeast University Press, 2004

    lFrom Unit to Whole, From Duplication to Peculiarity——Design for the Teaching Building of Fundamental Experiment in Nanjing Science and Engineering University, Feng Jinlong, Architectural Journal 2004

    lOn the combination of function and space in the integrated design of city and architecture, Han Dongqing, Feng Jinlong, Architect 2000

    lCities. Integrated Design of Architecture, Han Dongqing and Feng Jinlong, Southeast University Press, 1999

    lAnalysis of Modern European Architecture, Feng Jinlong, Ding Woowo, Zhang Lei, Jiangsu Science and Technology Press, 1999

    lCode for Library Building Design, National Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China, Wang Tianxing, Liang Yongzhi, Gao Jisheng, Feng Jinlong and 8 others, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, 1999

    lThe Integrated Development of Architecture and City from the Perspective of Modern Pedestrian Commercial Street, Feng Jinlong, The Planner 1998

  • 代表作品 Works

    · 2019南京林业大学图书馆----教育部优秀建筑工程设计奖一等奖

    · 2018江苏涟水县图书馆--- 2018年度江苏省第十八届优秀工程设计二等奖

    · 2017南京大学仙林校区大气科学楼----全国优秀工程勘察设计优秀建筑工程设计一等奖

    · 2016江苏钟山宾馆改扩建项目---- 2016年度江苏省第十八届优秀工程设计二等奖

    · 2014江苏常州武进影艺宫---- 2014年度省第十六届优秀工程设计一等奖

    · 2012南京大学仙林校区基础实验楼----2012年度江苏省第十五届优秀工程设计二等奖

    · 2011钟山运动公园景区项目规划设计---- 2011年度教育部优秀规划设计一等奖

    · 2008南京大学浦口校区图书馆----全国优秀工程勘察设计优秀建筑工程设计二等奖

    · 2008苏州相城区档案馆综合楼----全国优秀工程勘察设计优秀建筑工程设计二等奖

    · 2008南京珍宝假日饭店---- 2008年度江苏省第十三届优秀工程设计二等奖

    · 2006苏州相城区行政中心主楼---- 2006年度省第十二届优秀工程设计一等奖

    ·Nanjing Forestry University Library - First Prize of Excellent Architectural Engineering Design Award of the Ministry of Education,2019

    ·Lianshui County Library in Jiangsu Province - the second prize of the 18th Excellent Engineering Design in Jiangsu Province,2018

    ·Nanjing University Xianlin Campus Atmospheric Science Building - First Prize of National Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Excellent Architectural Engineering Design

    ·Jiangsu Zhongshan Hotel Reconstruction and Expansion Project - the second prize of the 18th Jiangsu Excellent Engineering Design ,2016

    ·Jiangsu Changzhou Wujin Film Art Palace - the first prize of the 16th Provincial Excellent Engineering Design ,2014

    ·Basic Experimental Building of Nanjing University Xianlin Campus -- the second prize of the 15th Excellent Engineering Design of Jiangsu Province ,2012

    ·Zhongshan Sports Park Scenic Area Project Planning and Design - the first prize of excellent planning and design of the Ministry of Education ,2011

    ·Nanjing University Pukou Campus Library - Second Prize of National Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Excellent Architectural Engineering Design ,2008

    ·Suzhou Xiangcheng District Archives Complex - Second Prize of National Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Excellent Architectural Engineering Design ,2008

    ·Nanjing Treasure Holiday Inn ---- the second prize of the 13th Excellent Engineering Design of Jiangsu Province ,2008

    ·Suzhou Xiangcheng District Administration Center Main Building - the first prize of the 12th Provincial Excellent Engineering Design, 2006

