
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    罗小龙 教授

    Prof. LUO Xiaolong

    电邮 Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    南京大学学士、硕士;香港中文大学博士。现为南京大学开元体育app 教授、副院长、博士生导师;南京大学城乡治理与政策研究中心主任。兼任教育部高等学校建筑类专业教学指导委员会城乡规划专业教学指导分委员会委员,中国城市规划学会理事、中国城市规划学会城乡治理与政策研究学术委员会秘书长、中国地理学会青年工作委员会副主任。



    Professor and Deputy Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Director of the Centre of Urban & Rural Governance and Policy Research at Nanjing University. He obtained Bachelor degree (1999) and Master Degree (2002) from Nanjing University; and got his Ph.D from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2005. Before joined in Nanjing University, He once worked in Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences for five years as assistant professor and associate professor.

    His research focuses on China’s urban and regional development, development policy and governance. He has investigated three Chinese National Science Foundation Projects and several research project funded by Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is participating one research project on Chinese Rural Transition and Development supported by The National Key Research and Development Program of China. He published over 100 research articles in both Chinese and English journals and five books or edited books. He was awarded China Urban Planning Youth Science and Technology Award in 2015, The National Youth Geographic Science and Technology Award in 2011 and Jiangsu Qinglan Project for the young and middle-aged leading scholar in 2021. In addition, he also headed some planning and consultative projects from Ministry of Education and local governments, covering territorial planning, city-region planning, urban design, industrial development, et al. in recent years. Some projects had awarded excellent projects at the provincial and national levels.     

    He is a committee member of The National Administry Committee on Teaching Urban and Rural Planning, and a member of The Ministry of Education’s Working Force on Teaching Resources for Territorial Planning. He also involves several other professional societies, including the Council Member of The Urban Planning Society of China, and Secretary General in Committee of Urban & Rural Governance and Policy Research at The Urban Planning Society of China.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses



    Undergraduate course: Architecture and Planning Theory,Human and Economic Geography


    Postgraduate: Urban and Regional Management and Policy Research

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects


    "Research and Development of Intelligent Control and Function Enhancement Planning Technology for County Villages and Towns’ Spatial Development", National Key Research and Development Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2018-2023


    "International Comparative Study on The Refined Management of Mega Cities”, Shanghai Municipal People's Government Decision-making and Consulting Research on Urban Governance


    “Research on Construction of Supporting Kindergartens in Urban Residential Communities, Ministry of Education, 2018.


    "The pattern, mechanism and governance of China's "New City Movement"". National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015-2018


    "Research on Spatial Planning and Regional Construction Based on Competitive Regionalism: The Yangtze River Delta Region as an Example” , National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011-2013

  • 主要论著 Publications

    ·《快速城镇化进程中的乡村转型》,罗小龙等 著,中国建筑工业出版社,2018.

    ·《开发区的第三次创业:从产业园区到城市新区》,罗小龙等 著,中国建筑工业出版社,2015.

    ·《长江三角洲的城市合作与管治》,罗小龙等 著,商务印书馆,2010.

    ·“The Making of New Regionalism in the Cross-Boundary Metropolis of Hong Kong-Shenzhen, China”,《 Habitat International 》,2012,1.


    · Rural Transformation in The Process of Rapid Urbanization, by Luo Xiaolong et al, China Construction Industry Press, 2018.

    ·The Third Weave of Development Zones: From Industrial Parks to New Urban Districts, by Luo Xiaolong et al, China Construction Industry Press, 2015.

    ·Urban Cooperation and Governance in The Yangtze River Delta, by Luo Xiaolong et al, The Commercial Press, 2010.

    · "The Making of New Regionalism in The Cross-Boundary Metropolis of Hong Kong-Shenzhen, China", Habitat International. 2012,1.

    ·“Rural Transformation and Planning Responses in The 13th Five-year Plan Period”, City Planning Review, 2009, 25.

  • 代表作品 Works


    Urbanization Plan of Quanzhou City


    Layout Plan of Yangzhou Urban Town and Village

