
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    张敏 教授

    Prof. ZHANG Min

    电话 Tel: +86 25 8359 2663

    电邮 Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction




    She is Professor and Ph.D. supervisor of Urban Planning in Nanjing University. She received a Bachelor of science, a master of science and a doctor's degree from Nanjing University. She was visiting scholar at Columbia University, Michigan State University, Paris Telecom High-Tech, and University of Toulouse. She served as Vice chairman of the cultural geography Committee of the Chinese geographical society since 2014-2023, and has served as Secretary-General and Vice chairman of the territorial spatial planning research Committee of the Chinese natural resource society since 2019. She is the Director of Jiangsu Province Smart City Research Base.

    Her research is mainly engaged in urban and regional planning, methodology of urban planning, research and planning of urban social and cultural space. Her research interests cover consumption space, cultural led regeneration, youth cultural practice and space, community and lifestyle, subject well-being, urban nature and biophilia behavior. Her recent interest focuses on residents’ everyday life practice and well-being in the context of China’s rapid urbanization and new frame of territorial spatial planning.

    She is the lead instructor for the nationally renowned undergraduate course "Urban Sociology and Social Surveys." She has led 4 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and more than twenty projects of urban and regional planning. She has published more than 100 journal articles in both Chinese and English. The planning project she presided over won the third prize of national excellent survey and Design Award, the second prize of Jiangsu excellent survey and Design Award, and the second prize of Jiangsu excellent engineering design. Students’ social practice research reports she guided won the first, second and third prizes and excellent work awards in urban and rural planning major of national colleges and universities for more than 30 times.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    For Undergraduate: Human and Economic Geography; Urban Sociology and Social Survey(National First-Class Course);Architecture and Planning Theory II


    For the Master: Urban Cultural Space and Renewal Planning Research; Regional Research and Planning; Research Methods – Literature Reading and Writing Literature Review

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects


    •主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目 亲自然的城市居民日常空间实践与福祉效应研究(2023-2026)

    •主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目 社区、生活方式与主观幸福感研究(2019-2022)

    •主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目 我国大城市消费空间的生产(2014-2017)

    •主持 国家自然科学基金青年基金 基于新文化地理学的城市文化空间研究(2006-2008)

    •主持 团中央“青少年发展研究” 重大课题:促进青年发展的城市政策环境评价体系研究(2020-2021)

    【National Natural Science Foundation of China】

    •Urban Residents' Daily Biophilia Spatial Practices and Well-being(2023-2026);

    •Community, life style and subjective well-being(2019-2022);

    •Production of consumption space in big cities in China(2014-2017);

    •Urban cultural space study in the perspective of new cultural geography(2006-2008).


    •主持 破解南京大型居住片区治理难题的路径与策略研究(2021年)

    •主持 新发展格局下南京建设新型消费示范城市、全国性消费中心的路径及对策研究(2021年)

    •主持 射阳县国民经济与社会发展十三五规划(2020年)

    •主持 成都市十四五期间国土空间优化与空间治理研究(2019年)

    •主持 徐州市睢宁县梁集镇总体规划(2017年)

    •主持 淮安市中心城市功能提升策略研究(2015年)

    •主持 泗阳县国民经济与社会发展十三五规划(2015年)

    •主持 徐州市双沟镇控制性详细规划(2013年)

    •主持 镇江市城乡统筹规划(2012年)

    【Projects of Urban and rural planning】

    • the research on the path and strategy to solve the governance problems of large residential areas in Nanjing ,2021.

    • the research on the path and countermeasures for Nanjing to build a new consumption demonstration city and a national consumption center under the new development pattern ,2021.

    •the 14th five year plan for national economic and social development of Sheyang County, 2020.

    •the Research on land space optimization and spatial governance of Chengdu during the 14th Five Year Plan period, 2019.

    •the Overall planning of Liangji Town, Suining County, Xuzhou City, 2017.

    •the Study on the urban function improvement strategy of Huai'an central city, 2015.

    •the 13th five year plan for national economic and social development of Siyang County, 2015.

    •the Regulatory detailed planning of Shuanggou Town, Xuzhou City, 2013.

    •the overall urban and rural planning of Zhenjiang City, 2012

  • 主要论著 Publications

    Chen, Peipei, Min Zhang (Corresponding Author), and Ying Wang. "The Chinese new middle class and their production of an ‘authentic’rural landscape in China’s gentrified villages." Geoforum 144 (2023): 103793.

    Hu, Yuchen, Yanjun Liu, Peipei Chen, Min Zhang (Corresponding Author). "The impact of residents' perceptions of urban shrinkage on overall life satisfaction–The case of Yichun, China." Cities 141 (2023): 104445.

    Chen, Peipei, Min Zhang (Corresponding Author), and Ying Wang. "Beyond displacement: The co-existence of newcomers and local residents in the process of rural tourism gentrification in China." Journal of Sustainable Tourism 32.1 (2024): 8-26.

    Wu, Weiping, Min Zhang (Corresponding Author), Yuxin Qing, Yan Li. "Village resettlement and social relations in transition: the case of Suzhou, China." International Development Planning Review 41.3 (2019).

    Zhang, Min, Weiping Wu, and Weijing Zhong. "Agency and social construction of space under top-down planning: Resettled rural residents in China." Urban Studies 55.7 (2018): 1541-1560.

    Zhang, Min, Weiping Wu, Weijing Zhong, et al. "The reshaping of social relations: Resettled rural residents in Zhenjiang, China." Cities 60 (2017): 495-503..

    Zhang, Min. "Book review: China’s Contested Capital: Architecture, Ritual, and Response in Nanjing." Urban Studies(2015): 1939-1940.

    Zhang, Min, Weiping Wu, Ye Bai. "Transnational practices in urban China: Spatiality and localization of western fast food chains." Habitat International 43 (2014): 22-31.

    •郭宇, 张敏(通讯作者).文化生态系统服务评估在国土空间规划中的应用展望[J].自然资源学报2024, 39(2) : 319-335.

    •贾子璇, 张敏(通讯作者). 基于文化区隔视角的城市文化消费政策社会效益实证研究——以南京市为例[J].  现代城市研究,2024(2):122-131.

    •常恩予, 张敏(通讯作者),陈培培等.循环流动视角下“老漂族”流动性对幸福感的影响[J].地理研究,2023,42(10):2677-2695.

    •王贞, 张敏(通讯作者). 城市社区更新对居民主观幸福感的影响——基于南京市典型社区的实证研究[J]. 热带地理, 2023, 43(9): 1809-1822.

    •黄惠珠, 张敏(通讯作者), 陈培培. 城市自然的关怀实践: 动物园的空间, 关系与行为[J]. 人文地理, 2023, 38(5): 98-106.

    •常恩予, 张敏(通讯作者), 陈培培. 居民流动力对幸福感的影响——基于南京市的实证研究[J]. 人文地理, 2023, 38(6): 34-43.

    •焦林申, 张敏(通讯作者), 秦萧, 等. 城乡空置住房的识别, 特征与成因——基于华北平原 X 县用电量等多源数据[J]. 自然资源学报, 2022, 37(8): 2004-2017

    •王维涛, 张敏(通讯作者).地理媒介与第三空间:西方媒介与传播地理学研究进展[J].地理科学进展,2022,41(06):1082-1096.

    •常恩予, 张敏(通讯作者). 西方流动性研究与交通地理学的对话:进展、启示与展望[J]. 地理科学进展, 2022, 41(8): 1516-1529.

    •张心怡, 张敏(通讯作者).重大事故影响下的工人社区衰退机制与韧性——基于过滤理论的分析[J].地理研究,2022,41(02):546-561.

    •黄敏瑶,张敏(通讯作者). 具身实践下的地方认知:非表征理论与南京马拉松[J],地理研究,2019.38(6):1355-1366.

    •王曼曼,张敏(通讯作者).2017. 表演性视角下音乐节的空间生产——以太湖迷笛音乐节为例[J].地理研究,36(2):294-306.

