基本信息 Basic Information
简介 Brief Introduction
现为南京大学开元体育app 教授、硕士生导师。东南大学学士、硕士、博士,美国华盛顿大学访问学者。主要从事与交通治理相关的多学科交叉研究,如国土空间交通规划、公共交通可达性、时空大数据应用等。
SHI Fei is a professor and Master’s supervisor of School of Architecture and Urban Planning in Nanjing University. He got his Ph.D., M.D. and B.D. at Southeast University. He is the visiting scholar of University of Washington, USA.SHI Fei is mainly engaged in interdisciplinary research related to transport governance, such as territorial spatial transport planning, public transport accessibility, and spatio-temporal big data analysis.
SHI Fei presided over 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects, 1 Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation project, and participated in several national, provincial and school level scientific research and teaching projects. He has published over 100 academic papers, authorized more than 10 intellectual property rights such as invention patents, and published 8 monographs. He won the highest prize of the International Society of Urban and Regional Planners, the second prize of for technological progress of China Association Of City Planning, the first prize of Jiangsu Excellent Urban Planning Project, the Science and Technology of Jiangsu Underground Space Society, and the third prize for teaching research of Jiangsu Education Department, etc.He has guided students to win the first and second prizes in the urban traffic innovation practice competition and Wupen sustainable competition international track for many times.
Currently, SHI Fei is a member of the Ministry of Transport of the National Committee of Historic and Cultural Cities, a young expert of the Academic Committee of Urban Transport Planning of China, and a member of the Jiangsu Provincial Urban Transport Special Committee.
目前承担课程 Courses
Urban road and transportation planning
Intelligent transportation and innovative mobility
Urban and regional transport planning studies
主要获奖 Honors and Awards
l南京市龙袍新城校园地下接送系统设计导则,2022 年度江苏省地下空间学会科学技术奖二等奖
lNanjing Longpao New City Campus Underground Traffic System Design Guidelines for Picking up and Dropping off kids, The Second Science and Technology Awards for Underground Space Association of Jiangsu Province,2022
lAwarded the "Charming Tutor" Scholarship of Nanjing University, September 2018
lMay 4th Youth Medal of Nanjing University, May 2016
lNANJING COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT USERS,Institut pour la ville en mouvement/ PSA Peugeot Citroën,Better mobility, Better Life — Prize for innovative urban mobility solutions,Excellence Award,2012.11.
主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects
l 2013-2016,国家自然科学基金青年项目:路网特征对出行方式选择的影响机理及面向公交导向的大城市路网优化配置研究
主要论著 Publications
lLe Zhu, Fei SHI*, Spatial and social inequalities of job accessibility in Kunshan city, China: Application of the Amap API and mobile phone signaling data, Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 104, 2022, 103451
lFei SHI, Le Zhu, Analysis of trip generation rates in residential commuting based on mobile phone signaling data, Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2019. Vol 12, No 1.
lFei SHI. Parking versus public transport subsidies: case study of Nanjing, China. Transportation Letters- The International Journal of Transportation Research. 2016, Vol 8, No 2.
•Fei Shi, Zhu Yandong, Research Methods in Urban Transport Studies, Southeast University Press, 2020
lFei Shi,Le ZHU, Dongqi XI, Big data and Public Transport Accessibility, Commercial Press,2022
lYifan Qin, Fei Shi, Map spatio-temporal big data crawling and planning analysis tutorial, Southeast University Press, 2019
l石飞,一种基于电子地图的通勤数据批量采集方法,专利号:ZL 2019 1 0189978.X
Fei Shi,Yifan Qin,Jiangang XU, A method of Mass Collection of Commuting Data Based on Electronic Maps, Patent Number: ZL 2019 1 0189978.X
l石飞,一种分析获取不同性质建筑的交通出行率的方法,专利号:ZL 2019 1 0031098.X
lFei Shi,Le ZHU,Zhenbo LU, A method to analyze and obtain trip generation rate of buildings with different types, Patent Number:ZL 2019 1 0031098.X
l石飞,基于深度学习和OD补全的交通规划方法及装置,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0297602.2
lFei Shi,Wulin ZHAN,Shuo YANG, Transportation planning method and device based on deep learning and OD completion, Patent Number: ZL 2022 1 0297602.2
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