
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    Maurice Benayoun(莫奔)教授入选国家级领军人才计划,曾任香港城市大学创意媒体学院教授、博士项目负责人(2012-2024),先后培养博士60余名(本人指导8名)。曾任巴黎第八大学信息与通信科学副教授、巴黎国立美术学院教授及特聘艺术家、巴黎第一大学终身副教授、电影与视频学士课程项目负责人等。受邀在南京大学、清华大学、中央美院、哥伦比亚大学、加州大学、康奈尔大学、杜克大学、帕森斯学院、多伦多大学等院校以及ISEA, Siggraph等学术会议举行超过400场主题演讲。

    Prof. Maurice Benayoun (MoBen) is selected by National Leading Talent Program, former Professor, director of the doctoral program in the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. He has trained more than 60 PhD students (personally supervising 8 of them). He has served as an associate professor of information and communication sciences at the University of Paris 8, a professor and a distinguished artist at the National Academy of Fine Arts (ENSBA) in Paris, a tenured associate professor at the University of Paris 1, and the project leader of the bachelor's degree program in film and video. He has been invited to give more than 400 keynote speeches and lectures at top universities such as Nanjing University, Tsinghua University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Columbia University, University of California, Cornell University, Duke University, Parsons School of Design, University of Toronto, and major art academic conferences such as ISEA and Siggraph.

    作为法国当代新媒体艺术家、策展人和理论家,莫奔教授曾获得法国艺术与文学骑士勋章(Knight of the French Order of the Arts and Letters),荣获包括金尼卡奖(Golden Nica,新媒体艺术行业最高奖项之一),ACM SIGGRAPH(计算机图形学最高水平会议之一)一等奖,Imagina(欧洲最高水平三维艺术创意节之一)一等奖等在内的超过30项行业顶尖奖项。作为PI领导过的艺术及研究项目,获得包括法国欧盟香港特别行政区政府等不同政府奖项及资金支持。莫奔教授曾在多个国家及地区的著名博物馆及当代艺术展览馆举办展览,包括法国巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心、巴黎凯旋门内的常设展览等。

    As a contemporary new media artist, curator and theorist, Professor MoBen has been awarded the Knight of the French Order of the Arts and Letters, and has won more than 30 accolades including the highest award and honors in related field such as Golden Nica (one of the highest awards in the new media art), 1st Prize of ACM SIGGRAPH (one of the highest-level computer graphics conferences), 1st Prize of Imagina (one of the highest-level European 3D Art and Creativity Festival) and so on. The art and research projects he had led as PI have received awards and financial support from different governments including the French state, the European Union, and the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. His works and exhibitions have been presented in numerous major venues (Pompidou Center Paris, Museums of Contemporary Art, MAC Montreal, KIASMA Helsinki, Moving Image and eyebeam (NYC), MOCA Taipei, MOCA, Seoul, Asia Society HK…).

  • 研究方向 Research Interests

    作为新媒体艺术的先驱和创始人之一,莫奔教授创作了第一部三维高清计算机动画电视连续剧 (Quarxs, 1991)。他的研究重点是城市空间与城市媒体、人工智能与数字媒体、机器人、博物馆和展览设计、应用于神经设计的脑机交互、虚拟现实、增强现实及互动艺术装置等。主要作品有《Quarxs》《价值中的价值》《脑工厂》《大西洋底隧道》《世界之城》《大都会》《蠕虫》等。在最近的研究中,莫奔教授借助人工智能、机器学习、区块链、NFT、脑机交互等新兴科技,开创性地在数字媒体作品中,将人类思想转化为实物,将人类价值转化为数字资产,批判性地探索由媒体或技术突变所引起的当代社会问题。

    As one of the pioneers and founders of new media art, Professor MoBen created the very first TV series in 3D Computer Graphics HD (Quarxs, 1991). His research focuses on urban space and urban media, artificial intelligence, robotics, museum and exhibition design, brain-computer interaction applied to neuro-design, virtual reality (VR, AR) and interactive art installations, etc. His major works include Quarxs, Value in Value, Brain Factory, The Tunnel under the Atlantic, World Skin, Cosmopolis, NoRIZON, etc. In recent research, he uses emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, NFT, and brain-computer interaction to create pioneering digital media works that transform human thoughts into physical objects and transform human values into Digital Assets, a critical exploration of contemporary social issues caused by mutations in media or technology.

