
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    梁宇舒  助理研究员

    Assistant Researcher  LIANG Yushu

    电邮 Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

    清华大学建筑学博士,重庆大学工学学士、硕士,澳大利亚悉尼大学访问学者,曾任职于中国广播电影电视设计研究院建筑一所,现为南京大学开元体育app 助理研究员。入选2020年江苏省“双创计划”双创博士。主要从事地区建筑学、建筑人类学、游牧民族的当代性及其建筑等领域的研究。发表专著、译著、学术论文十余篇,获中国建筑学会学术年会优秀论文奖。

    lBachelor and master of engineering of Chongqing University

    lDoctor of architecture of Tsinghua University

    lVisiting scholar of Sydney University, Australia

    lWorked in the first Institute of architecture of China Radio, film and television design and Research Institute

    lAssistant researcher of School of architecture and urban planning of Nanjing University


    She was selected as the doctor of innovation and entrepreneurship in Jiangsu Province's "innovation and Entrepreneurship Program" in 2020. She is mainly engaged in the research of regional architecture, architectural anthropology, the modernity of nomadic peoples and their architecture. She has published more than ten monographs, translations and academic papers, and won the excellent paper award of the academic annual meeting of the Chinese Architectural Society.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


    Fundamentals of design (2)

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects

    l2021-2023,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“内蒙古阿拉善高原乡土住宅形式及演进机制研究”(项目号: 52008199),主持人

    National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Fund Project "Research on the form and evolution mechanism of local houses in Alashan Plateau of Inner Mongolia" (Project No.: 52008199), moderator,2021-2023

    l2017.07-2020.12, 十三五国家重点研发计划专项子课题“经济发达地区传承建筑文脉的绿色建筑营建体系”(课题编号:2017YFC0702502),主要参与人

    the main participants of the special sub project of the 13th five year national key R & D plan "green building construction system for inheriting the architectural context in economically developed areas" (Project No.: 2017yfc0705022),2017-2020

  • 主要论著 Publications

    l梁宇舒. 沙漠上的24个家:阿拉善乡土住宅的空间变迁[M]. 清华大学出版社,(在版).

    l奈扎·阿尔萨耶[美]著. 黄华青, 梁宇舒译. 建成环境中的传统:“真实”、超真和拟真[M]. 清华大学出版社, 2021.


    l梁宇舒,周凌. 蒙古族定居住宅中的“游牧性”及其当代转向[J].建筑创作,2020(02):104-113.

    l梁宇舒,单军.阿拉善乡土住宅的演变逻辑研究——以清代定居住宅对当代蒙古族民居的影响为例 [J],世界建筑,2020(07):89-95.

    l廖思宇,梁宇舒(通讯作者),单军,耿阳. 阿拉善地区民居重建前后住环境比较性研究[J],世界建筑,2020(10):112-115.

    l梁宇舒,单军. 巴丹吉林嘎查乡土建筑空间志考察报告[J],西部人居环境学刊, 2019, 34(1): 94-103.

    lLiang Yushu,Lu Duanfang, The Transformation of Desert Settlements in Inner Mongolia: Tradition, Politics and Identity[J]. Traditional Dwellings & Settlements Review, Fall 2018, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp.118.

    lLiang Yushu. A Study on Rammed Earth Buildings in the Marginal Region of Tengger Desert in China: Comparison of Cases from two Communities in the Same Region[J], GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET) (Print ISSN: 2251-3701, E-periodical: 2251-371X),2016,4(3): 104-115.

    lLiang Yushu 24 homes in the desert: the spatial change of Alashan local residence [M] Tsinghua University Press (in Edition)

    lTradition in built environment: "reality", "hyper reality" and "pseudo reality" [M] Tsinghua University Press, Written by Naiza alsaye Translated by Huang Huaqing and Liang Yushu 2021

    lLiang Yushu, Zhou Ling. From nomadism to settlement: the spatial form and social changes of local houses in Alashan area of Inner Mongolia [J]. Journal of architecture, 2020 (06): 34-39. (CSSCI)

    lLiang Yushu, Zhou Ling "Nomadism" in Mongolian settled houses and its contemporary turn [J]. Architectural creation, 2020 (02): 104-113

    lLiang Yushu, Shan Jun A study on the evolution logic of Alashan local houses -- Taking the influence of the settlement houses in the Qing Dynasty on the contemporary Mongolian dwellings as an example [J], world architecture, 2020 (07): 89-95

    lLiao Siyu, Liang Yushu (corresponding author), Shan Jun, Geng Yang Comparative study on living environment before and after reconstruction of residential buildings in Alxa region [J], world architecture, 2020 (10): 112-115

    lLiang Yushu, Shan Jun Badan Jilin Gacha local architectural space survey report [J], Journal of western human settlements, 2019, 34 (1): 94-103

    lLiang Yushu,Lu Duanfang, The Transformation of Desert Settlements in Inner Mongolia: Tradition, Politics and Identity[J].  Traditional Dwellings & Settlements Review, Fall 2018, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp.118.

    lLiang Yushu.  A Study on Rammed Earth Buildings in the Marginal Region of Tengger Desert in China: Comparison of Cases from two Communities in the Same Region[J], GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET) (Print ISSN: 2251-3701, E-periodical: 2251-371X),2016,4(3): 104-115.

  • 代表作品 Works


     Urban architectural color planning and design of Nanjing Longpao new town (third prize of architectural creation urban design special project of Jiangsu civil architecture Society)


    Jinzhong Museum, Shanxi Province


    Inner Mongolia Tongliao Mongolian Medical Museum (nomination award of Asian Construction Association Architecture Award and shortlist award of World Architecture Festival)

