
  • 基本信息 Basic Information

    吴佳维 准聘助理教授/特聘研究员

    Assistant Prof.  WU Jiawei

    电邮 Email: [email protected]

  • 简介 Brief Introduction

        华南理工大学建筑学学士,同济大学建筑学硕士,香港中文大学哲学博士(建筑学)。曾于上海博风建筑设计咨询有限公司实习,任香港中文大学建筑学院高级研究助理、博士后研究员,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH)建筑系访问学者。现为南京大学开元体育app 副研究员。


        Bachelor of Architecture of South China University of Technology, Master of Architecture of Tongji University, Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She once interned in Shanghai Bofeng Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd., served as senior research assistant and postdoctoral researcher of the School of Architecture of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and was a visiting scholar of the Department of Architecture of the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland. He is now an associate researcher in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Nanjing University.

        Mainly engaged in the research and practice of architectural design and its theory, architectural education and design teaching method, construction and design, etc. She has published more than ten monographs and academic papers.

  • 目前承担课程 Courses


          Architecture Design(1)(For Undergraduate of Architecture


          Architecture Design(2)(For Undergraduate of Architecture


          Summer site internship(For Undergraduate of Architecture

  • 主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects

    ·2018-2020 香港研究资助局优配研究金(GRF),A Critical Reflection on the Conservation and Revitalisation of Modern Architecture in Hong Kong through a Comparative Approach from a Global Perspective(主要参与)

          Hong Kong Research Grants Council (HKRC) General Research Fund (GRF), A Critical Reflection on the Conservation and Revitalisation of Modern Architecture in Hong Kong through a Comparative Approach from a Global Perspective(Main Participator),2018-2020

    ·2013-2014 香港研究资助局优配研究金(GRF),A Theoretical Study of Design Pedagogy: Exercise, Project, and Program (主要参与)

          Hong Kong Research Grants Council (HKRC) General Research Fund (GRF), A Theoretical Study of Design Pedagogy: Exercise, Project, and Program (Main Participator),2013-2014

    ·2012-2013 香港研究资助局优配研究金(GRF),China’s Architectural Education at the Turning Point—Its Origins, Evolutions, Characteristics and Challenges(主要参与)

          Hong Kong Research Grants Council (HKRC) General Research Fund (GRF), China’s Architectural Education at the Turning Point—Its Origins, Evolutions, Characteristics and Challenges(Main Participator),2012-2013

  • 主要论著 Publications

    ·吴佳维,韩曼,顾大庆.香港现代主义建筑保育的社会机制研究 以前中区政府合署为例[J].时代建筑,2021(04):158-165.DOI:10.13717/j.cnki.ta.2021.04.039.

    ·韩曼,吴佳维,顾大庆.空间-结构作为现代主义建筑遗产保育和活化的重要考量 香港中环街市项目的经验教训[J].时代建筑,2021(05):165-171.DOI:10.13717/j.cnki.ta.2021.05.025.

    ·赫伯特·克莱默, 顾大庆, 吴佳维. 基础设计·设计基础 [M]. 中国建筑工业出版社,2020.




    ·WU Jiawei, The Transplantation of an Architectural Pedagogy: The Zurich Model and Its Developments in China[D], The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017.

    ·吴佳维.一种设计教学的传统——从赫斯力到现在的 ETH 建筑设计基础教学. 2015 全国建筑教育学术研讨会论文集[C], 2015:3-9.

    ·Wu Jiawei, Han Man, Gu Daqing. A Study on the Social Mechanism of the Conservation of Modernist Architecture in Hong Kong The Case Study of the Former Central Government Offices[J]. Time+Architecture, 2021,(04),158-165.

    ·Han Man, Wu Jiawei, Gu Daqing. Space-Structure as the Primary Consideration for the Conservation and Revitalization of Modernist Architecture Lessons Learnt from the Hong Kong Central Market Project[J]. Time + Architecture, 2021,(05),165-171.

    ·Herbert Kramel, Gu Daqing, Wu Jiawei. Basic Design, Design Basics[M]. China  Architecture & Building Press, 2020.

    ·Wu Jiawei. Teaching a Space-Based and Design-Driven Construction Course: The First-Year Construction Course at ETH-Zurich's Architecture Department between 1961 and 1983 [J]. Architectural Journal,2019(04):116-122.

    ·Wu Jiawei, Gu Daqing. The Road to Structured Design Pedagogy: Herbert Kramel's Basic Design Teaching the Evolution and Operation of the Program [J]. The Architect,2018(06):26-33.

    ·Wu Jiawei, Gu Daqing. The Road to Structured Design Pedagogy of Herbert Kramel:The Birth of a Pedagogical Model [J]. The Architect,2018(03):33-40.

    ·WU Jiawei, The Transplantation of an Architectural Pedagogy: The Zurich Model and Its Developments in China[D], The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017.

    ·WU Jiawei. A Tradition of Design Pedagogy: The Teaching of Basic Architectural Design at ETH from Hoesli to Present. Proceedings of the 2015 National Symposium on Architectural Education[C], 2015:3-9.

