基本信息 Basic Information
简介 Brief Introduction
南京大学城市规划专业本科、硕士,荷兰乌特勒支大学人文地理与空间规划专业博士、博士后。研究方向为土地利用、可持续交通出行和居民的福祉健康。主要关注 “人类行为活动与空间的互动关系及健康福祉效应”,致力于通过规划手段塑造更加“可达(Accessible)、低碳可持续(Sustainable)、包容(Inclusive)”的城市。曾获南京大学“毓秀青年学者”项目资助。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和教育部人文社科基金青年项目各1项。研究成果见于Cities,Journal of Transport Geography,Transportation Research Part D和Travel Behavior and Society 等交通、地理、城市规划等国际期刊。
Yang received his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, under the supervision of Prof. Dick Ettema. His research interest includes the interaction between built environment and activity-travel behavior and its effects on health and well-being." The aim of his research focused on how to create an “accessible, sustainable, and inclusive" city through planning practice. His research has been published in various international peer-reviewed journals, including Cities, Journal of Transport Geography, Transportation Research Part D, Travel Behavior and Society, and Journal of Transport and Land Use.
目前承担课程 Courses
Undergraduate Programme: Regional Analysis and Regional Planning; Graduation Design (Thesis)
主要研究项目与成果 Research and Projects
l2025-2027,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,出行能力视角下社区建成环境对老年人出行行为与出行福祉的影响机理研究 ,主持
Research on the Impact of Neighborhood Built Environment on the Travel Behavior and Well-being of the Elderly from the Perspective of Travel Capability", Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2025-2027, PI
Mechanisms and Planning Intervention Pathways of Community Built Environment's Impact on Elderly Travel Behavior from the Perspective of Mobility Differences", Supported by the Ministry of Education Foundation on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2025-2027, PI
主要论著 Publications
lHu Y, Household travel decisions and well-being in small Chinese cities: Evidence from commuters in Ganyu. Utrecht University, Utrecht, 2022. ISBN: 978-90-393-7518-1.
lHu Y, Sobhani A, Ettema D. How does commuting influence time use and domain and life satisfaction? Evidence from dual-earner couples with school-age children in a small Chinese city[J]. Cities, 2022, 131: 104046.
lHu Y, Ettema D. Exploring residential dissonance from a household perspective: A gendered examination of resident characteristics in a small Chinese city[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2023, 112: 103706.
lHu Y, van Wee B, Ettema D. Intra-household decisions and the impact of the built environment on activity-travel behavior: A review of the literature[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2023, 106: 103485.
lHu Y, Sobhani A, Ettema D. Exploring commute mode choice in dual-earner households in a small Chinese city[J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022, 102: 103148.
lHu Y, Sobhani A, Ettema D. Are men or women happier commuters? A study on the determinants of travel mode dissonance and travel satisfaction for dual-earner couples with school-age children in Ganyu, China[J]. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2023, 31: 131-140.
lHu Y, Sobhani A, Ettema D. To e-bike or not to e-bike? A study of the impact of the built environment on commute mode choice in a small Chinese city[J]. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2021, 14(1): 479-497.
l胡洋,何仲禹,翟国方.小城市建成环境对居民体力活动的影响研究——以江苏赣榆为例[J].城市与区域规划研究, 2020, 12(1):155-171.
l胡洋,翟国方,何仲禹,等.公众视角下旧城改造规划实施后的综合评估——以南京市门东历史街区为例[J].城市问题, 2017(4).